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Dubai Floods , No Insurance Payout.

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barney15c | 14:08 Wed 17th Apr 2024 | News
11 Answers

If the floods in Dubai and surrounding areas were caused by cloud seeding, which some news reports suggest. Then surely this could be considered self inflicted and any insurance claims would be voided. Could this be the case?



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Even if the state did seed clouds it cannot be "self inflicted" for all the private claimants. If your house was damaged by something our government did you would not say that was self inflicted would you?

Another conspiracy theory?

I doubt that individuals were resposible for cloud seeding so it could hardly be called self inflicted.

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What about public buildings owned by the state, that could be considered self inflicted.

Wondered when climate change would raise its ugly head

I was told years ago that our government insures with itself and I see no reason why that has changed. I expect most governments do the same.

Well first they would have to show the cause was seeding.

If as is being claimed above its climate chaneg then that is an Act of God(they will claim) and no payout!

I thought it was conspiracy theory - perhaps from the East...

Well first they would have to show the cause was seeding.

First I think they wd have to decide which law system applies ( that  is where the buildings were insured)

I am not sure what the jurists say is the status of risk insurance is Islam - as everything is set as the will of God

Most Islamic jurists conclude that conventional insurance is unacceptable in Islam because it does not conform with sharia for the following reasons: Conventional insurance includes an element of al-gharar or uncertainty. Conventional insurance is based on the concept and practice of charging interest.

you can get over these two ( islamic) or just insure wivva Christian

then you would sue the cloud seeders ( if they were negligent: you wd have to show that).

acts of God you can insure against ( storms floods etc) chrissakes

There's a strong likelihood that cloud seeding wouldn't automatically void insurance claims related to the recent floods in Dubai, even if it played a role. Here's why:

1. Limited Impact: Experts suggest that the floods in Dubai were primarily driven by broader climate patterns, not solely by cloud seeding. Cloud seeding is designed to enhance rainfall but typically isn't potent enough to trigger such severe weather events on its own.

2. Uncertain Contribution: Even if cloud seeding had some effect, determining its precise impact amid other environmental factors is challenging. Floods usually result from a combination of factors, making it difficult to attribute causation solely to cloud seeding.

3. Standard Insurance Exclusions: Many insurance policies exclude coverage for "acts of God" or natural disasters beyond human control. While cloud seeding involves human intervention, the scale and unpredictability of resulting weather events often fall under these exclusions.

It's essential to recognize that insurance policies can vary significantly. Here's what you can do:

- Review Your Policy: Carefully examine your insurance policy's terms regarding flood coverage and any related exclusions. Pay attention to clauses mentioning "acts of God" or similar terms.

- Contact Your Insurer: If you're uncertain about coverage or have experienced flood damage, contact your insurance provider promptly. Provide details of your situation and ask for clarification on whether your policy covers the event. They can offer guidance on the claims process and your eligibility.

In conclusion, while the causes of the Dubai floods are still being investigated, cloud seeding alone is unlikely to be seen as the sole reason for denying insurance claims. Always refer to the specifics of your insurance policy and communicate directly with your insurer for accurate information regarding coverage.

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