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Patrick Interviews Bannon

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Khandro | 23:11 Mon 04th Dec 2023 | News
27 Answers

Elites want to break the sovereignty of nations: Nigel for British PM, Irish mums, EU, China, & much more.                                          OOOh! suit you sir?



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Trumped up racist allegations against Farage – well I never.

Worryingly, Trump was listening to this madman while he was in the White House.

He wanted both Anthony Fauci (the US infectious disease expert) and Christopher Ray (the FBI Director) executed.

I think that there is a fair chance this guy will soon be sitting in jail alongside Trump.

Sorry no thanks

The crackpot right -  both  men make we want to lob things at the screen 

Now you know what it feels like for the rest of us watching Sky or the BBC.

Except people are forced to pay for the BBC propoganda you are not forced to pay for this.

Well I'm happy to pay a small weekly amount for balance and sanity. Just because it apparently comes free doesn't make it good 

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When Patrick & Steve make the AB lefties want to throw things at their TVs (having not even listened to them) you know these two must have got something right.

1.30: I think Nigel could be perfectly positioned to be the next Prime Minister of England.

Sorry, I lost interest after that ... GB News is not news, it's propaganda.

I don't think one has to be a "lefty" to come to the conclusion that Bannon is a deluded maverick.

The emphasis being im "crackpot right" being very much on the first word 

"Elites want to break the sovereignty of nations"

the eureich "elites" and theyre lackeys do....its as good as theyre mission statement...

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It's called globalization; like communism, and all ideologies it doesn't work, but the left want it just the same.

Turkeys voting for Christmas, poor things. 

It is worrying that anyone can watch GB News, then accuse the BBC of bias.

Having said that, I did see part of Michael Portillo's program on Sunday, and he seemed a far more sensible presenter than the normal GB News ranter.


'It is worrying that anyone can watch GB News, then accuse the BBC of bias'.  

So true!



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I think GB News is, and would refer to itself as, a right wing channel, which is fine by me, that's why I & millions of others watch it.

The difference between it and the BBC and Sky is that they try to hoodwink the public into believing them to be neutral when in fact they have a fully left-wing agenda

Everyone should listen to that... and I mean really listen.


Refreshing to see a presenter giving his guest time to speak without interrupting - and actually listening to what he's saying.

> and I mean really listen

You mean like drinking the Kool-Aid.  I did listen and, as I said, virtually the first thing that Bannon said was:

I think Nigel could be perfectly positioned to be the next Prime Minister of England.

I mean, how ridiculous is that statement?  And remember, it's the first thing he's said.  It's a nonsense.

GB News.  It's not news, and Bannon is not GB.  Apart from that ...

Well, perhaps 'the next' was a bit optimistic .....

//It is worrying that anyone can watch GB News, then accuse the BBC of bias.//

And who has done that?

//Well I'm happy to pay a small weekly amount for balance and sanity. Just because it apparently comes free doesn't make it good //

You just dont get it do you.  Firstly the BBC is anything but impaertial and certanly is not balanced.

Second why should I pay (not that I personally do) for something you like when I dont want to watch it?  Will you contribute to my Netflix/Amazon or maybe even GBNews? and on pain of not being able to watch anything else unless you do.

No of course you wouldnt and rightly so, so neither should anyone be forced to pay for the BBC just so they can watch GBNews(or whatever).

"hoodwink the public into believing them to be neutral when in fact they have a fully left-wing agenda"


//You mean like drinking the Kool-Aid.  //

Been watching too much American rubbish.

Yes I agree that the TV licence system is rather silly and anachronistic, except ...

It does mean they really do have to be unbiased as far as is possible, sometimes ridiculously so. It is why they persist in not referring to Hamas as a terrorist organisation, for example, although to be honest it makes little odds whether they do that or not IMO.

I've often said it, but when people (including those who refuse to watch it) accuse the BBC of being leftwing, I am sure a lot of it is because it seems that way in comparison to much of the other media.

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