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webbo3 | 13:07 Thu 30th Apr 2020 | News
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She needed to keep herself in the public eye, so shes now an expert in virology.

\\Thunberg said in a statement that “like the climate crisis, the coronavirus pandemic is a child-rights crisis” that will affect youngsters now and in the long-term, especially the most vulnerable.//

Childs rights ?, its affecting everyone.


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//She's not wrong about climate change,...// She's wrong insofar as her criticism should be directed towards those who are exacerbating the problem to the greatest degree. That is China (30% of global emissions) the USA (14%) and India (7%). That's half of all global emissions. The UK is responsible for just over 1%. It could reduce its share to nothing...
16:49 Thu 30th Apr 2020
The contrasting views according to Parlia.

The Argument
Greta Thunberg is a young, disabled girl being manipulated and indoctrinated by her parents and those around her. At 16, she is too young to know any better and is going along with the political will and objectives of those around her. Her one-woman school strike went viral when businessman and PR guru, Ingmar Rentzhog, shared a photo of her strike to his Facebook page. From there, it went viral. But what is rarely mentioned is the fact that Ingmar was already tipped off about Greta’s strike. He had been told about her plans the previous week. Additionally, Greta’s mother, Malena was already acquainted with Rentzhog. Following Greta’s rise to stardom, Ingmar invited Greta onto the youth advisory board of his green campaigning firm We Don’t Have Time, sending its value rocketing by more than £1 million (US$1.2 million).[1] Shortly after Greta’s school strike, her mother released a memoir entitled ‘Scenes From the Heart’, which also proved to be a lucrative venture. Greta Thunberg exposes the sly and debased lengths her parents and the political left is willing to go to push its climate change agenda and make money. It is willing to exploit a young disabled girl in front of the global media, irreversibly changing her life forever, for personal gain. An act that is both sickening and wrong.

Counter arguments
She isn’t disabled in the conventional sense of the world. Greta has Asperger’s syndrome, a condition that many great and highly intelligent people have and have had throughout global history. In fact, part of the condition is heightened intelligence and increased focus and drive. If anything, her condition has helped her accrue knowledge on the subject and should not be used as an argument against her strength as a messenger for environmentalism. [2] Framing Greta Thunberg’s rise in the international media to the forefront of the climate change movement as some sort of child abuse or the weaponization of an innocent 16-year-old is paternalism shrouded in the cloak of concern. No psychologists or medical professionals who work with children with Asperger’s have voiced their concerns. Nor does anyone that knows Greta harbour any concerns that her parents are using her as a pawn to boost their own public image or ensure their children and future generations maintain the limelight. [3] The concerns over Thunberg’s manipulation would carry more weight if the same news outlets and blogs weren’t simultaneously mocking her disability and mannerisms. The same pundits expressing concern are calling her names and comparing her UN speech to The Children of the Corn. This exposes their lack of concern and hypocrisy. They are the ones weaponising Greta to fuel division and undermine the youth climate movement. [4] Furthermore, the same people calling for Thunberg to rescind from the public spotlight, gleefully cheer on and encourage young conservative activists like CJ Pearson and Kyle Kashuv. If they don’t want young people seizing the microphone to promote political causes, why would they celebrate outspoken young conservative activists?

Finally, suggesting Thunberg is merely a puppet ignores her genuine achievements. She has almost single-handedly united the global youth under a single aim: to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Her school strikes started with her sitting along outside the Swedish parliament and spread into an international movement. She is not a carboard cut-out, a puppet, a stooge, or a weapon of the left; she is the youth movement. She built it and she deserves the credit.

How old is she now? 17? 18? She not exactly a little girl, but a teenager with her own mind. Despite her autism, she is quite capable of taking a breK from the activism if she wants to, and nobody would begrudge that, not least her parents I believe.

When push comes to shove, she has chosen to continue with this path. Sure, she has been influenced by her parents, who have undoubtedly profited from Greta's popularity, and yes, she does stand on the shoulders of giants when it comes to utilizing the studies of scientists, but I honestly think she is well aware of what she is doing and fully committed to it.

She's not the dumb, manipulated, mentally ill child people make her out to be.
We have a fundamental disagreement on the point that she is being manipulated and used in some sinister way though Naomi.

I can't discuss why or why not I find something shameful when I don't accept that it's happening in the first place.
Indeed you can't, tomus.
What's contrived about the crusade, Naomi? If Climate Change is a threat, and if humans can do something about it, then it isn't contrived.
Don't understand why people go on about her being 16 - it's not that young. I was at university at that age.
Also, it's clearly a mistake to confuse someone who's passionate about a cause that is -- again! -- a serious and real threat, for someone who is being manipulated. Even if she were wrong about the threat the passion could be, and is, still genuine. Compare for example the "anti-Greta", Naomi Seibt, who is equally passionate about downplaying the dangers. Somewhat exploited in her own way, but the key difference is that Seibt's passion has led her in the wrong direction.
Jim, //What's contrived about the crusade, Naomi?//

That Greta is presented as some sort of latter day Joan of Arc leading the charge - whereas she is in fact a useful figurehead who is being used to engender sympathy and hence, support. Left to her own devices, without the highly managed publicity, the funding, and the prompting, she’d be an unknown. Greta isn’t running this campaign. Her presence is contrived.
Well, at least he is talking to you, naomi.
If you're out of favour, roy, you know you must have done something right. ;o)
jim360 - // I for one am glad that andy has been so forthright about just how patronising he can be. //

My position is constant, and has been posted many many times - that Ms Thunberg is a damaged manipulated child in thrall to manipulative parents and others who are using her novelty for their own ends.

I fail to see what is 'patronising' about that.
I know about her understanding of the issue from what she says. I can quite easily compare that to what other people say in order to decide who's understanding it better.
Pretty sure it was Greta's idea to skip school. Yes, other people quickly picked up on it. But I notice, again, a failure to address the substantive part of the message. What is she saying that you disagree with?
Also, there's no mystery. I saw roy's message and then forgot to reply to it. No need to invent any "out of favour" interpretation.
//Pretty sure it was Greta's idea to skip school. //

Are you Jim? Why?
Because it was Greta's idea to skip school on Fridays.
And, even if it wasn't, it comes back to the same thing. Whether Thunberg is her own person or a figurehead for somebody else, the movement is highlighting a key issue. I can't say I have a problem with being manipulated into caring about something that objectively is worth caring about.
I know about her understanding of the issue from what she says.

Have you got a link to her 'best bits'?
//Because it was Greta's idea to skip school on Fridays….. And, even if it wasn't, it comes back to the same thing.//

It does indeed. It was … but it might not have been. Yep. Sounds familiar.
I like how you think you have somehow found a logical flaw, when in fact the opposite is true. Greta is her own person, but the simple point is that it doesn't even matter one way or another -- because what people should care about is the issue she represents. If you'd rather focus on the messenger over the message that's your choice, but it's a mistake. Always has been a mistake and always will be. Simple flow diagram:

Is Greta being manipulated into standing up for an important cause?
(A) No, in which case you should take the messenger and the message seriously.
(B) Yes, but the cause is still important, so you should take it seriously anyway.

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