BBC News - Decoding Donald Trump's new official portrait What do we think. Democracy in safe hands? Stable genius? Bear in mind this is the official... ...
Has apparently issued a cease and desist on the pm for saying she crashed the economy. Fun fact - She's allegedly known as lettuce Liz because she lasted fewer days in office than a lettuce takes... ...
Matt Gaetz (attorney general) is under investigation for various sex offences. BBC News - What to know about the Matt Gaetz allegations Is this a wise... ...
Working in a warehouse and working in a shop are surely completely different jobs. Why should the pay rates be expected to be the same? BBC News - 'We did it!' Next shop workers win equal pay claim...
It's not a question, sorry. I just wanted to share this informative site to those of us that are interested in the forthcoming election. ...
BBC News - Ex-Post Office boss regrets 'missed opportunity' to halt Horizon scandal He 'didn't read the report'. Yeah OK mate.... ...
Well there is. It was invented this Easter by the PM. Cynics might say it's because there are party donors and other cronies that need knighthoods now because the govt know they won't be around in... ...
It's being reported as if Nike just came up with this and foisted it on the England team as a surprise. Surely this would have been signed off by the football authorities well in advance. Why... ...
Election denier and Trump enabler Tucker Carlson is going to interview Putin. Can we expect anything balanced from this, or pro Russia, anti NATO propaganda for the digestion of the American... ...