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Captainebay | 15:02 Mon 31st Oct 2005 | News
116 Answers

Fireworks should be BANNED, Full Stop, they cause NOTHING but trouble, If the Goverment can't ban them completely, then they should be sold ONLY to Organised events Holders that have a Licence to use them, They are all too easy to buy, Im sickened by the recent news of the Barn Fire in Bury in which a Horse died, this fire was started by Thugs playing with Fireworks. The Barn from what I can gather was a Home for Neglected horses, one horse, the last horse out suffered extensive Burns, and died a day later, the other 4 or 5 horses are suffering terribly. I cannot and will NEVER understand why these dangerous items have never been banned to the Public , however pretty they may be they are a BIG DANGER to People and Animals , those Thugs that caused this unnecessary suffering should recieve the same treatment. Im disgusted .



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God your SO thick ! WHATS that crap about careless pet owners ?????? you cant really be that dim surely ???? so you think animals that get injured or killed by fireworks is because their owners are careless ?? on that token then what you are saying is the Horses that happen to be in THEIR stable were left by their careless owners who carelessly INVITED these sadistic Yobs who had got there dirty grubby hands on fireworks to set fire to the Barn ??? get a life you pathetic Bast*rd. I would just LOVE to stick one of those fireworks you so lovingly cherish right up your ar$e . Do us all a favour and sit on top of a Bonfire on Saturday.

This topic has probably run its course but I would like to know how many children actually know what Guyfawlkes night is all about. Not many I bet !

10CS - get over yourself - you're being TRULY pathetic now. I summarised OTHER PEOPLE'S arguments and you have to make childish comments about me trying to be an encyclopaedia. You are one of the most TWO-FACED people on here. You take EVERY CHANCE to have a pop at me, and then turn up on CB being nice as pie and pretending not to hate me at all. I stand by my comments from before, but I extend them... I actually think you have such little regard for other people that you would walk past anyone who wasn't friends or family and laugh if they were being attacked in any way. You are TOTALLY stubborn and NEVER acknowledge other people's points of view. For that YOU must be one of the most arrogant people on this site.

Oh, and the day you of all people get some sort of award from the Monarch , would the last self-respecting Brit leaving the country please turn the light off!?!

I think fireworks should be completely banned, they are just a menace. I have to say 10clarionst really got up my nose, if you don't like strong language I suggest you stop reading now.

10 clarionst- You are a miserable selfish Bas***d, who the F**k are you to be so arrogant to assume all of your neighbours wants to listen to a cacophony of explosions all night? There is more to this country than your kids and your personal enjoyment, your stunning arrogance has enraged me, you mention about who cares about pets, WELL I CARE ABOUT PETS, you selfish sod, Have you ever had a cat on your knee who literally shat itself when one of your poxy fireworks went off, and the poor animal is sat in the corner shaking and its eyes like saucers? I auppose a sad sack of s**t like you finds all of this very funny, but how about an 80 year old person who is nervous anyway and you are coming along with your selfish fireworks and letting off, it most probably brings back very nasty memories of the blitz. I'd like to see how funny you'd find fireworks if you were dropped in the middle of Iraq right now. You are an ignorant, selfish lump of shi*e and you disgust me.

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Steakmad ~ BRAVO !! , the language I want to use to about Di*kHead AKA 10ClarionSt was way to obscene..
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Ahhhh~ 10ClarionSt your getting Angreeeee, Excellent ! You must be so steamed up by now... If you had read my initial posting, you would have noted I state a However pretty they are they are a BIG DANGER to People and Animals ... and as for Alcohol, well thats a different subject entirely ! I HATE the stuff, It broke up my 18 Year relationship, Caused me a GREAT deal of Abuse, and I never sniffed a drop, so again YOUR wrong in assuming we are all probably Pi$$ed , I dont drink and NEVER will... and I still think you are the BIGGEST IDIOT ON THIS EARTH go and write your great long novel now.. Sh^t 4 Brains..
Brilliant steakmad, you've hit the nail right on the head about 10clarionst, selfish so and so. Fireworks should be banned for the reason everything else that was once fun has been banned, yobs. Yobs seem to think they are in a hollywood movie when the fireworks are around, I saw one lob a firework over a wall and run like hell, war movie style, the firework went off and showered my car with sparks, there is also the other things I have both read about and know people it has happened to, like yobs putting lit fireworks through peoples letterboxes and setting their house on fire with it, putting fireworks under cars and writing them off cos they are burnt out, and the sickest one I know about is a shower of yobs who strapped 3 fireworks to a young cat and the cat was blown up, I feel sick and angry everytime I think about that one, its haunting. The problem though is if you ban them, the scroats and criminal elements will source them elsewhere and the yobs will get them on the black market, or our local friendly, muslim run, corner shop who will sell anyone anything.
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10CS- You obviously can't see past the end of your nose, you are a self centred, ignorant, jackass. Oh and by the way, the 80 year old aint mythical, they are up and down the country and sh*tting themselves every November 5th because of rancid pish like you, I think you should do what captainebay says and shove yourself on your bonfire, oh but I forgot, sh*t doesn't really burn! You are symptomatic of the me me me culture in this country, god damn you.

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Ok here it is in Black and White, if the Govement cant ban them , then they should be Sold only to organised even holders , people like yourself can be given the opportunity to obtain licences , on application and once proven your a suitable candidate to hold a private event in the comfort of your own surroundings, then Yes you should be given the licence to go ahead and purchase them .

What we all disagree is the fact that anyone can Purchase them . I would say that 70 % of young adults who buy them Dont buy them for what they traditionally meant for but abuse them.

10ClarionSt you have upset a lot of people , I think it would be best and Im asking you politely not to post any more of your views, Im not telling , I am asking you kindly and hope you will respect my request.

Also for your information you have on several occasions referred to me as a " Him " I am actually a She !

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Did you see the news today, where a boy was in hospital because a fireworks had hit him in the eye and it's not even Firework night yet. Fingers crossed there will not be any more, but don't hold your breath.
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Vehicles are neccessary - fireworks are not!

Weak and pathetic argument from someone who is obviosly clutching at straws!

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10C I asked you politely, Im not telling you FCUK OFF
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