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Captainebay | 15:02 Mon 31st Oct 2005 | News
116 Answers

Fireworks should be BANNED, Full Stop, they cause NOTHING but trouble, If the Goverment can't ban them completely, then they should be sold ONLY to Organised events Holders that have a Licence to use them, They are all too easy to buy, Im sickened by the recent news of the Barn Fire in Bury in which a Horse died, this fire was started by Thugs playing with Fireworks. The Barn from what I can gather was a Home for Neglected horses, one horse, the last horse out suffered extensive Burns, and died a day later, the other 4 or 5 horses are suffering terribly. I cannot and will NEVER understand why these dangerous items have never been banned to the Public , however pretty they may be they are a BIG DANGER to People and Animals , those Thugs that caused this unnecessary suffering should recieve the same treatment. Im disgusted .



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jno, I doubt the kids round our way that have been letting off fireworks for the last few weeks could even spell Diwali, let alone celebrate it
agreed scubadiver, I just meant that may be why they're going on sale earlier.
I am soooo glad you agree with me about Halloween jno.I thought I was only humbug around here !!

jno - I can't quite believe that you made an analogy between cutlery and fireworks!! Cutlery serves a useful purpose and, if used for its intended purpose, causes no harm. (Accidents and misuse are the only times cutlery causes injury). Fireworks are designed to be loud, and involve and explosive. Also, I'd have thought that the expected loss (i.e., the size of the injury multiplied by the statistical chance of an injury) from fireworks is greater than from cutlery.

This has gone on for what is now 64 posts, if I may take the liberty, I shall attempt to summarise the arguments on each side:

FOR increased regulation and requirement of a licence before purchase:

  • Should reduce the number of accidents

  • Should reduce the length of time around November 5th that people are disturbed

  • Should reduce the harm (including the harm caused by fear) to animals

  • People can still attend public displays, so the enjoyment of an historical event is not lessened

  • Arguments have also been put forward that many of the people setting off fireworks in their own gardens are not doing so to celebrate history

AGAINST greater regulation - i.e., for a status quo

  • Animal cruelty happens 365 days a year and is cruel, but we shouldn't have to modify our behaviour for the benefit of animals

  • Other items that cause injury are on sale without licence and therefore fireworks should remain relatively unregulated

  • People have a to celebrate an historical event in their own back-gardens

As far as I can see, very little else has been added to the debate, it's just gone round and round in circles. I suggest (with CaptainEbay's permission) that all those in favour of the propose motion post "aye" and those opposed post "no".

well theres your answer really 5 reasons to regulate the use of fireworks 3 against If only it was as simple as a vote.
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Good Morning January Bug ~

Im so glad that someone has seen the real reason as to this debate which I hasten to add has gone Way out of Control, Circle after Circle . I appologies If 10C felt I had insulted them, That was because I felt he / she had insulted the debate, I never came here to argue, I came here to post my Views, I appreciate the fact this is a long tradition that should continue under the supervision of Organisers with a Licence. I will always be ' For ' the ban of sale to the puplic. Permission granted January bug ~ Mines an "Aye"

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Good Morning Maggie01 ~
Good moring Captainebay Only a few days to go and its all over hopefully till next year.

Captainebay - glad you didn't think I was taking liberties! I just guessed you were probably also a little frustrated by this thread, and I thought that for the benefit of everyone's blood pressure, a summary might be due! Glad you agreed! :-)

Oh yeah - and mine's an "aye" too!

Mine is Aye.
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I didn't say kids did make bombs out of fireworks, I said they could. And fireworks are just a form of bomb.

10ClarionSt- Pot & Kettle?

Exactly what does your answer starting "ok everyone" add to the debate? It seems that you are actually the first to run out of ideas, ludicrous or otherwise!

Woop-de-do, so you'll be on the telly!! So what. You do a lot of work for charity - what are you looking for?- an MBE?

You post answers with, IMHO, extreme views and don't expect people to get wound up about it?. Like I said in my very first post on this thread- I think you are trolling to elicit an argument for the sake of it. If that was your original intention, then full marks, well done- you certainly managed!

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Thats why you will always be two step behind us all, Because we care for Both People & Animals ..and to answer your question NO I havent run out of Ideas, I really cannot be bothered to explain myself to a COMPLETE A+se like you.... Its more a case of I've run out of Time , and thats because my day is filled by doing the Job I love , Caring for People in the comunity ( the Elderly ) whom I visit on a Daily basis and Guess what I take My dog with me because it Brings a SMILE to their Day !

10ClarionSt- like captianebay says, (although you may find this difficult to believe, given your previous answers) caring for both people and animals doesn't have to be mutually exclusive!

From some of your answers, it would appear that you only actually care for other people when it suits you.

With regards to your viewpoint- I call them extreme, not because they go against my viewpoint, but because I genuinely do find them extreme.- I cannot imagine many people would immediately spout that Fireworks are a "British tradition" to justify their indescriminate use ( actually if you take it to the extreme, then you could justify that we are all entitled to set fire to barrels of gunpowder, using your argument)

Nor would I imagine that many people would be so crass as to state that animals & their owners don't deserve a viewpoint because they didn't write to Hilter to ask him to stop bombing Britain during the Blitz ( and I apologise for paraphrasing you here).

Don't judge us all by your low standards. I don't feel the need to indulge in any name calling - in fact I pity you for missing out on the enjoyment that animals can bring into your life - your loss (but then you won't be missing out as you will be so busy EARNING your MBE, knighthood etc- whatever you have your heart set upon)

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