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I Finally Did It! I've Put A Deposit On A Car!

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Treacle71 | 13:18 Mon 12th Aug 2024 | Motoring
16 Answers

I just wanted to update you. I have put down a deposit for a used car at a dealer - at long last!  I did it after so, so long! My 17 yo Citroen C1 cool is rapidly declining.  It was at a proper dealer/showroom. The salesman let me test drive it on my own without him being present - phew! 

What I would like to know please is do I need to take out insurance on the day of collection of the car or will they provide a day's insurance for me to drive it home and will I need to take out road tax on the day of collection too? I will ask these questions when the car is ready, but it would be handy to know beforehand. I am so rusty with such things as I've had my Citroen for over 10 years and I can't remember the procedure.  Thank you!




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You will need to get it insured in order to tax it so you can drive it home just do a comparison putting the collection date as the start of the policy.
14:46 Mon 12th Aug 2024

The birds around here do that regularly.

You will need insurance. You can arrange that yourself, or ask if they will provide a, say, 24hr insurance and charge you for it.

It may come with tax still there, but most likely not, and you'll have to tax it.

We had to arrange a time to pick up car and get our insurance to change to that car at a certain time and get tax to start on that day all before picking up car.  Tax does not go with the car at all these days.

When we last changed our car the insurance company gave us a week's cover on both cars free of charge; this allows you to drive the old car to the dealer and your new car away from it. You will need to tax the car before you drive it and you will need proof of insurance to be able to tax it. Any tax on the new car will not be valid and you can claim a refund on your current car for any full months left. In other words you will pay tax twice for August; on the old car and the new.

Car tax OR Vehicle excise licence starts from the first of the month, so if you start it any time during a m onth you pay for the full month.   To save money, take delivery near the start of the month.

The only way to save money is to get rid of the old car on the last of the month and buy the new one the day after; even then the application for a tax refund must reach the DVLA before the end of the month. Any other way you pay for 1 month twice.

You will need to tax it (VED to give it its correct name). VED cannot be carried over, despite what Old-Geezer has said. You will also need to insure it. When we changed one of our cars last year, I called my insurance company and arranged it over the 'phone. The dealer will advise you on how to tax it.


You will need to get it insured in order to tax it so you can drive it home just do a comparison putting the collection date as the start of the policy.

I recently picked up a car and just contacted my insurance company and they transferred it to the car that I was picking up.  As suggested previously, I had to specify a time that I was picking the car up.  I did have to pay extra for admin charges.  I also had to tax the car before I could drive it away.

I can remember the days when you purchased another car and transferred the insurance over, the insurance company gave you 14 days during which time you were covered for both vehicles – allowing you to drive the other car until you sold it (or arranged further insurance).


Now you are lucky if your fully comp insurance allows you to drive a car not owned by you on a third party cover basis – be warned, you could find yourself prosecuted for driving without insurance (6 points on your licence and a fine).

Are you going to tell us the make and model car you bought?

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Thank you everyone! It's a Toyota.  Just waiting to be contacted now with a collection date.

Bet you're rather excited Treacle😁

Hope your new car is everything you expect it to be.

Happy motoring 👍

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1ozzy, thank you.  It's been a long time coming.  I've saved 10 years for a newer one.

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Thank you all for your answers xx

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I Finally Did It! I've Put A Deposit On A Car!

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