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Waterloo Road

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LoftyLottie | 17:22 Thu 05th Nov 2009 | Film, Media & TV
573 Answers
I know it's only fictitious, but the script writers are just so ignorant of how schools are run, what you can and can't do, LEA'S, etc. The whole thing is getting to me now!!! I watch it and am driving Mr LL nutty complaining about all the mistakes whilst I am supposedly enjoying watching it.

I used to quite like it. It is totally ridiculous now!

Anyone agree?


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But I know it was Max Bygraves 1954, Geog has changed so much since I was at school, but there's no excuse for me getting confuzzled with Auckland!

Morning all, I'm on time and the rest of yous is/are late.
well, sorry I'm late, but I've been trying on my glam new underwear...

v harmonious
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Morning all!! Absolutely glorious day but I have a feeling that unless I wear heavily weighted boots I might just take off and land on Robi's doorstep!! At least the washing will dry if it stays on the line!

I watched UB Dead last night too Shaney and quite enjoyed it. Mr LL sat a huffin and a puffin - not his cup of tea at all!! Well, I have to sit through loads of Police, Camera, Action type thingies which seem to monopolise our screens these days.

Lovely undies jno, The late princess would be very flattered! Hope you have the tiara as well!!

Here is my latest set of undies.

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Warning: Adults Only website. Do not open if easily offended! (I might be banned now)
If you were you wouldnt remember lottie...hehe.!that sites brilliant.glad your all getting good weather..enjoy.were sending some right wet shi$e your way.:O)good morning.>>>
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Hi Vin. That site really made me laugh this morning. Glad you enjoyed it!!
Watch it Vinny .., .or we'll be sending some right wet shi$e back at yer :))
Morning chums
Bright and very breezy here.Blowing a gale in fact .I got up then went back to bed again .Sheer laziness.
Rain is on the way though my bones tell me so .
Yes I thought U B Dead was good Lofty .It was based on a true story .What an evil woman .
Oh I must get on ...see you all later xxx
Hello again, is it morning break??

It is so humid here it is unbearable, the heat on it's own is fine it's this wetness, I am drenched.

Have been trying to buy a Venician Blind for daughter's room ( her's is b*ggered to betsy thanks to cat coming and going through her window) but they are very few and far between, and not the right size at the right price. So have hammered and put up a bamboo blind (which I remembered I have bought two for 5€ at trhe Church Xmas Fare) so that'll do untill I can fine the right one. She needs one as her room faces west and gets the terrible sun in the afternoon (the only room in the house to get any sun, they are built to avoid the heat). Couldn't wait for Mr N as he does everything properly, ie measures and twitches and faffs, so I just bang in a couple of nails which I have removed from something else unused) and hey presto and new blind up and working. Who needs men !!!!
morning all...all present and correct at woofgang the website...My Mum used to say one of the few good things about getting old is that you can be as rude as you like. Still chugging through the sorting and tidying...that duck hunt is addictive!
Have also just moved huge parasol in a cement crate (to hold it down) to replace the very old tatty one which was shading one corner o the pool. I have been asking Mr N to do this for weeks, but there you go, do it yerslef is my motto. It was very heavy and had nothing to move it on, also the tiles round the pool area are like pebbledash and nothing slides too easily. Very please with myself today. Now any ideas for dinner?????
Am downloading UB Dead to watch later! Anything shaney likes, I usually like!
It was very good Neti . Good cast .
This woman completely ruined two peoples lives .
She wasn't exactly a bunny boiler like Fatal Attraction but she was very evil .
As it was based on a true story at the end they said she was due for parole in 2012 Scary woman .
This is what it was based on .
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Daren't open Duck Hunt until I have a few hours to spare!

Neti, I find that I ask Mr LL to do something over and over again. (I shouldn't complain because he always seems to keep himself busy, but usually only with stuff he enjoys!!) Then when I start to do it myself he takes over and tells me I am doing it wrong. grrrrrrrr
Oh shaney, have read that, how awful. How can some people be so mad??? I can almost imagine the feeling of not being able to turn to anyone, anywhere, and then to lose the man she loved, dreadful. Can't wait to see it!

Yes LL we have the same husband I think!!!!!
MR S says I'm a logistical nightmare .I have no idea how to load a dishwasher ..Lol ...
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Does Mr N have a beard. I bet he does!!
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Mr LL doesn't load ours any more. He just rearranges it after I have loaded it. And then things don't get clean as he stuffs too much stuff in over the top of other stuff. He also wipes working surfaces down whilst I am still working at them and checks to see if I have turned the cooker rings off, and rearranges my saucepans cupboards all neatly but with the pans I use the most right at the back where I cant reach them, and he tidies up the larder (which actually is a very tidy larder) and again puts things I use most at the back, etc.......................

But what really annoys me is that his shed looks like something out of Steptoe............................ and he won't tidy that!!

Bless him............
Mr S has a beard .Very neat though. He goes to the barber every Friday morning !
When he worked in Leatherhead he used to go every other day for a beard trim before work !
He doesn't look right without his beard .He has a scar on his chin caused by some bod mucking about with a bayonet when he was in the army .
Mind you he's getting a bit grey now on bits of the beard ... looks as if he's had highlights
But his hair is still that Germanic blonde ....Grrrr.......... :))

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