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Waterloo Road

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LoftyLottie | 17:22 Thu 05th Nov 2009 | Film, Media & TV
573 Answers
I know it's only fictitious, but the script writers are just so ignorant of how schools are run, what you can and can't do, LEA'S, etc. The whole thing is getting to me now!!! I watch it and am driving Mr LL nutty complaining about all the mistakes whilst I am supposedly enjoying watching it.

I used to quite like it. It is totally ridiculous now!

Anyone agree?


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Hi there shaney, sounds like a lovely day.

jude, that bike terrified me!

Runner beans, oh am missing my sister's ones, but she's freezing some for when I get there. I love them with vinegar, it's a throwback from my aunt in Essex. For some reason we had yorkshire pudding and gravy as a starter and then runner beans with vinegar with the roast and tatties. I'm the only one in the family who still eats them that way.

Have a nice day tomorrow biddies, but I expect some of us will meet on here.
Well this afternoon I froze four bags of runners ,and four bags of plums and rhubarb for crumbles come the cold weather .I have enough tomatoes knocking around here to feed the five thousand . But no more room in freezer so it'll be something with tomatoes all week :)
I love runner beans .I could eat a plateful just on their own with a bit of butter and pepper .
The grapes have gone ..I've scoffed them ... They weren't seedless though .
I phoned my bro and said about them .He knows I'm only joking ....
I said " Those grapes had seeds in you know "
"Yes" he said .."I know.... I grew them specially for you as I thought you were looking a bit seedy ".
I could clunk him one at times :))
Morning all, bright and sunny here. Having a family day today as daughter didn't go out last night so it's off for lunch somewhere. 'spect we'll be arguing before the dessert!!

Anyone here watch the X-Factor, I do but a day later!
looks like rain here - shame because I painted a window sill (after removing so much rot that it is now like tissue paper). Maybe it will dry before the monsoon hits. Still, could be worse. I have a distant cousin living near where the earthquake in New Zealand hit. No major damage but the fridge was tipped over and spilled all over the floor and a big water tank out the back was shifted a foot, so that's all a bit alarming.
Good morning...♫ Ridin' along on a pushbike honey...♫...I'm going to have that bloomin song in head all day now. I haven't ridden my bike all summer, it's very old, (probably antique, they built 'em to last) and heavy. Tarquin tells me to buy those wheels would probably cost as much as new bike.

My cousin's son lives in NZ but I'm not sure where, I hope they're ok. I'm half expecting us to have a good shaking before long, there's a very odd atmosphere some days.

Nothing exciting to report, I'm trying to decide whether I've got a cold coming or it's hayfever, the air's thick with fungal spores apparently.
The air's going to be blue pretty soon, gardener still conspicuous by his absence...what is it with these people? Why are some so unreliable? I think he's fired unless he gets in touch pretty soon...he's messing with the wrong biddy.
wow, so angry she's been banned... well, I'm having the occasional sniff of First Defence myself, Robinia, but I think it's just spores and stuff. However, jno jnr has a cold and I might have picked it up when transporting him to Ikea t'other night, so better safe than sorry. I wonder if the cold is Billy or Benno.
oh dear, she was there when I checked...oh well you get the gist....I don't want any colds yet, if you start this early you seem to go into the winter on a low ebb.

Ok, oil your old penny farthings, it's Land's End to John O'Groats next year! Tarquin's found a publisher & is going to write a book about his trip in 2007, with suggested routes, places to stop, eat, get CPR. Bless his cotton socks, I've created an author. I just need to see if he'll add a list of lavs, greasy spoons & biddy recovery stations with creaky feather beds...none of that camping malarkey.
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Ooooh, I shall come to Tarquin's first book signing. I look forward to the day when I can boast that I am a friend of Tarquin Blogg's mother Robinia. Fame comes to Biddyland.

Will catch up later, have promised myself a few hours outside (weather isn't too bad), but sneaked in here to check my emails (didn't have any!!!! :o( ).
oh booger,is that a hint Lottie haha...I'll say yes, that's fine, but we're ok or a while yet, I'm getting used to the smell of fusty old books & boiled cabbage.

I'm just browsing coastal properties that Tarquin might like to buy for me when he's top of the travel books list...I think BaggyBiddy House still looks favourite.
Hi all, busy day today. DH has gone to see FIL (his stepDad) in Somerset. Its a year since we lost DH's Mum. I am still sorting stuff and getting clear ready to make space for all his bike gear. Dogs are out in the garden enjoying the rain. I am taking a break then back to moving and sorting.
Yoohoo chooks
Lovely day here .bright and sunny ,quaite warm .Nothing doing really ,just crossies ,bit of washing ,poddle in and out of the garden, make some dinner later and try to find something worth watching on the teevee this evening or float about on AB and raise my BP :)
Typical Sunday at Shaneytowers !
Be good ...
Hello, we had lunch with the grockles, girries and muggles in San Antonio, I had BBQ spare ribs and they were lovely, it's not something that the Spanish do. We've picked black figs from the roadside trees and they are delicious, very sweet. Have had a swim in the cool pool and now watching Vertigo, I love James Stewart!
I have a cousin who lives nr Aukland, I do hope he is Ok.
Auckland, and I'm certain he was South island but I think I am mistaken!
I mean Auckland and yes I know it's North Island, sorry but that's why I'm back at school innit!
neti, I think you'll find if you turn the atlas right way up...
perhaps we should do some geog before school's out?
Yes Neti you must brush up on Geography for tomorrow .We want to know where Gilly Gilly Ossenfeffer Katzenellen Bogen is :)

What am I doing up at this time of night I ask myself ?
I watched U B Dead earlier .Very creepy .
Nite all.
Hi Shaney you're not on your own. I can't sleep just come down for another cuppa.
Good night.
Shaney we all know that one...its by the seeeeeeeeeee!

Talking of geog, here's your homework...I think it might be addictive tho

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