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The Chase.... They Walk Among Us .... Part N ... Today's Gem....part Deux

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ToraToraTora | 20:03 Wed 27th Mar 2024 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers

Q: in 1990 which prime minister said, "I fight on, I fight to win"

A: Tony Benn!

🤣perish the thought!



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I watched this and I'm almost certain they didn't say Tony Benn ..... didn't they say Tony Blair ??

Apologies ....I stand corrected.  I've just played this back and she did in fact say Tony Benn .... although even when I heard it again, I wasn't too sure what she said, so I had to rewind it again.  When I heard it originally, I thought she said Tony Blair  :)

Tony Blair wouldn't have been too bad an answer ..... but Tony Benn ..... oh dear lol  :P

What was the correct answer?

I think it was Thatcher but it's not easy for anyone under 50

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The Chase.... They Walk Among Us .... Part N ... Today's Gem....part Deux

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