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Next Doors Cat In My House.

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hammerman | 13:07 Sun 20th Jul 2014 | Law
37 Answers
We have two kittens, they are both deaf and vulnerable. Next door have a cat that is the spawn of Beelzebub.

Next doors cat keeps getting in our house and attacking the gets into the bedrooms and p****s everywhere and as it's 80 degrees out there, we need the windows open.

What, if anything, can i do ? I believe cats aren't really covered by the law, is this correct ? Would I, as a last resort, be able to shoot it with my air rifle. Ive never shot an animal in my life and would hate to do this but my god, this cat is seriously bad.

Just checking out my options before i confront the neighbour.

Many thanks


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You simply cannot shoot a cat with an air rifle. I'm pretty sure you would be charged by the police and any relationship you may have with your neighbour would be at an end. Suggest you have a talk with your neighbour first - but the water treatment may solve your problems.
Hammerman, if the cat is getting through the window, perhaps move the bin/ anything that it is climbing on to get in. Perhaps only have your top windows open if the problem is really bad, or screen off the bottom windows with net screens (buy of ebay) just a s you would to keep out the fyls. There is nothing your neighbour can do other than neutering the cat (presumably if they are not responsible to have already had the cat neutered, any approach you make would fall on deaf ears - not a lot other than neutering they can do to help the issue though unfortunately - if the cat is getting into your property it is your responsibility to ensure it can't get in).
Loud claps will scare the cat out of the house, but ideally, net screens would stop the issue altogether.
Shooting or trapping the animal is NOT an option, you are the more intelligent animal in this scenario - out-smart it :o)
Just had another thought, cats don't like the smell of citrus fruit. Maybe you could place some Orange or Lemon peel on the window sill of the window that bully boy likes to enter.
Is it the cat food that he is after? Perhaps if you stopped leaving it down he may stop coming in.
I haven't read this but you might find a hint or two as how to deter the beast.
Just a thought, you wouldn't even have to buy net screens - make then with a bit of garden netting
Here is a list of more places to go - it is a common problem

I laughed at your dog's attempt to chase off the intruder.Sorry!
Question Author
Sorry guys, can i just make this clear.....


The cat is getting in via an upstairs fan light....we just can't keep them closed as it's far too gets onto our conservatory roof, then the window sil and then in through the little window.
Apologies hammerman, I don't think anyone really thought you would. How about trying a cardboard cut out of either some cartoon cat eyes or owl eyes and propping them in or near to the fan light that the cat is getting through? Cats are less likely to approach an area where a 'cat' is staring straight at them (it is a sign of aggression) - a novel idea, but worth a try? (a cheap option too)
Just use the netting as suggested then, hammerman - this cat sounds determined. You have to physically keep him OUT.
how about owl or cat cut out type things on your conservatory roof, it might deter the furry pest, failing that borrow a Boris water cannon.
How about one of these at the window?

Worth a try.
Yeah start off with the neighbour - without the air rifle

and yes cats are within the law and you arent allowed to shoot them
Peter Pedant, out of interest, what law says you cant shoot cats? I know the "wildlife and Countryside Acts" fairly well but I dont remember cats coming into it.

At a guess I would have said you can shoot a cat as it is considered a wild animal. The cruelty side of things would not apply as long as it was done humanely, ie. not with an air rifle!

Just interested.
The cat-poisoner of Gloucester wasnt with in his rights to put down antifreeze ( tastes sweet but dont try it ) for the puddies.

I suppose I base my statement on the lack of machine gun fire outside my window at this very moment ...
"The cat-poisoner of Gloucester wasnt with in his rights to put down antifreeze ( tastes sweet but dont try it ) for the puddies."

most likely for the danger it put other animals in and the unauthorised use of a poison.

You could well be right, I was just interested how the law got around the issue with killing cats.
"I suppose I base my statement on the lack of machine gun fire outside my window at this very moment ..."

I think the noise from the machine gun would wake the neighbours, so yes, most likely illegal on the grounds noise nuisance

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