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Next Doors Cat In My House.

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hammerman | 13:07 Sun 20th Jul 2014 | Law
37 Answers
We have two kittens, they are both deaf and vulnerable. Next door have a cat that is the spawn of Beelzebub.

Next doors cat keeps getting in our house and attacking the gets into the bedrooms and p****s everywhere and as it's 80 degrees out there, we need the windows open.

What, if anything, can i do ? I believe cats aren't really covered by the law, is this correct ? Would I, as a last resort, be able to shoot it with my air rifle. Ive never shot an animal in my life and would hate to do this but my god, this cat is seriously bad.

Just checking out my options before i confront the neighbour.

Many thanks


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imagine the situation reversed. that should give you a perspective.
I assume your neighbour is aware of the situation? Communication is everything.I would politely discuss it and escalate if necessary? Seems a sensible starting point.You have my sympathy...
ps i don't know hte legal answer, but i really really hope not!
Shooting it with an air rifle would be very cruel, most likely die in agonising pain somewhere. I would try to trap in a humane cage trap and release it a few hours later, that may be enough to stop him coming in.
You cannot shoot the cat, all you can do is keep your doors and windows closed or speak to the cat owner.
You could most like be prosecuted on the grounds of cruelty!
I'm pretty sure it is totally illegal to shoot a cat with an air rifle. Confront the neighbour if possible but there aren't easy solutions. Screens at the windows would help in the hot weather,you basically need to make your house cat proof.
You could get yourself a water pistol and give it a soaking everytime it comes in your house, that may deter him.
Garlic spray even!
\\\\ Ive never shot an animal in my life and would hate to do this but my god, this cat is seriously bad. \\\

Yes, I know how you feel.....but no, one mustn't shoot it with an Air Rifle..........perhaps with an AK47 though (just joking)

If you can catch it either entering or leaving your house, then a bucket of water or a hose pipe will work wonders.
Good suggestion by tonyav....we cross posted.
Buy a dog!
I bought netting to put on my windows to keep my cats in the house - I got it online from a pet store.

Cats are bullies and as your two are kittens they are unable to fend for themselves. Water and noise are the best deterrents.

As you have realised - getting angry and annoyed at a cat doesn't bother the cat one bit. Speak you your neighbour, they may be totally oblivious to the fact that their cat is a thug. Maybe, if it is still an entire male, they can get it de-balled - it helps a bit with behavioural problems.

Cats seem to have a way of winding us mere humans up. It is the smug look on their face which says "and what are you going to do about it?"

Good luck with the thug and, also, your kittens.

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Just to say, shooting the cat is not an option, i just couldn't do it.

@Sqad...buckets of water and a hosepipe in the bedroom....not attractive !!!! lol

Unfortunately, our kittens are white and therefore totally deaf which makes things a bit harder.

Is the bruiser using the same window each time? All you need to do is scare it off a couple of times and it 'should' go elsewhere.
As your kittens are deaf, then you could try scaring the neighbours cat away with noise if water isn't really an option.

Try screaming, blowing whistles, clapping etc.

Can't be easy to keep a cat out of the house in this weather. How do you get on with the neighbour?

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@Frank97...i have a Springer Spaniel. trouble is, he's not allowed upstairs as he eats the catfood.

The devil cat came in the conservatory the other day whilst our two were playing in there. I said to the dog "Catzzzzzz" and he tore out and went for one of the kittens. So that won't work.
Nets on your windows; keep the windows open just enough so the cat can't get in; or get a water pistol.
My mum had a problem with a cat using her garden as a litter tray. She got herself a water pistol (a good high powered one) .... several drenchings later, the cat didn't come back. Cats remember things like this - they do not like being soaked :P
Oh well, just a thought.
How does it get in hammerman? If its through a window then you need to out up the netting as suggested here. If its through the catflap then you could try one of those posh flaps that only allow your cats in via a sensor.

Either way you have to stop it yourself as short of looking it indoors, or shooting it, there's little your neighbour can really do about it.

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