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Will he get Parole?

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kellybean700 | 03:48 Sun 21st Sep 2008 | Criminal
9 Answers
My partner is currently serving a sentence for GBH with intent. He reiceved a madatory life sentence (15 years) with a tariff of 2 years. (this was his 2nd offence) he has served 7 years and particularly in the last couple of years has done really well.He has completed all the course he was asked to with flying colours. Has moved ot a CAT C 18 months ago. Has a good job inside and has keys to other parts of the prison. Is an enhanced prisoner and gets extra visits. He does regular drugs tests which are all clear and he has been out on a town visit where he went shopping and out for lunch. He was hoping he woudl get an open prison agreed during his parole hearing, what do you think his chances are? Any help would be greatly apreciated. His parole was yesterdaya dn i have yet to hear from him.


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he be rastaring it in jamaica, man
A mandatory life sentence for GBH with intent? Could be right depending on your bf's circumstances. I'm guessing his victim died as a result?
Read this thread for more info (last post) 886.html

If he killed him, he deserves the years he's spending inside, regardless.

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No he did not kill him (second offence like i said) it was a fight in town lots of people involved, it took 4 years to get it court as it was so complicated and loads of poeple involved. I'm not trying to say he should not be serving the sentence, he even agreed that he was involved and should serve it. Thats not what i'm asking.....!!
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***MAX*** Sorry but my tread was titled 'Will he get parole' not what sentence will he get!!! I know that been he's been serving it for the last 7 years (as stated!) Sorry hun!!
The fact that he is inside now has no bearing to your question, apart from the "good behaviour" part. He got a mandatory "life" sentence of 15 years with a 2 year tariff, he's served 7 of them. According to UK stats, he'll probably be out in 2009 or 2010. Anyone has a different answer? Please? :O)
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In a CAT C prison in Surrey, why?
my bf got ipp, for the same charge he has been in nearly 2years n is cat b n is looking to get parole soon so i would have thought they would be a good chance of your bf getting it this time or next
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Thanks Lil-del-drop. Thanks for your message. Parole did not go well. He has been put back for another 18mths. Thats the problem with IPP. There is nothing definate about it. He's gone a little mad now too. He's been in there 7 years and still not looking at gettign out for at least couple of years now. I really hope you have better luck hun.

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