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Will he get Parole

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kellybean700 | 03:36 Sun 21st Sep 2008 | Criminal
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My partner is in prison serving a sentence for GBH with intent. He recieved a madatory life sentance with a tariff of 2 years. (this was the 2nd offence) he has served 7 years of the sentence and in the last couple of years has done really well. He has completed all course request to be done. He has moved to a CAT C prison now and has been there 18months. He has a good job inside, he is an enhanced prisoner and gets extra visits and keys to other parts of prison for his work. He does volentary drugs testing and has had a town visit where he went shopping and out for lunch. He was hoping to get an open prison agree in Parole, what do you think the chances are of him getting it??? Any help woudl be much apreciated as his parole was yesterday and i have not heard from. thanks


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sounds like his chances are pretty good how long does he have left ?

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Will he get Parole

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