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fatsia japonica

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shaneystar | 17:59 Thu 13th Oct 2005 | Home & Garden
517 Answers
i have a huge fatsia in my garden which I would like to propogate.I have tried several times to grow a cutting from it with no success.It is now in bloom.Well bloom is not quite the right word.It has these large cream clusters growing up from the central stem.Can I take seed from these and try that or has anyone a better suggestion.Come in andyjevs your advice would be much appreciated !!



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back home and putting photos together, neti, a lot of them came out a peculiar yellow colour so I'm having to kick them around a bit until they meet my high standards. Hello, swedeheart, nice to see you.
ir was supposed to rain here today and it b...well didn't so i have to get the hose out tomorrow :(
Good morning (afternoon or evening, depending on where you live). How are you all. Am not shouting today . So awfully humid here I'm shattered before the day starts, roll on August and English weather!

Just done the weekly shop with Mr N and got chatting to a Norwegian chappy who kept knocking things over, so I sent him away and tidied it all up, Mr N was appalled that I am so talkative to strangers, but i love chatting to anyone and everyone. Just like a real old biddy from my childhood days and I thought they were all mad with moustaches!
<faint aroma of srdns fills the air>

shaney I hope they found your knees yesterday & that you soon feel better...

A'noon mi dears, it's tolerably warm and sunny today - 23C - which is my upper limit. I got SOAKED to the skin yesterday, tut, I thought it had passed over & foolishly staggered out shopping despite my whizzy head from the storm.
Shame about Andy M losing, it was a great match. I'm not bothering with the ladies final today.

Oh I see Superslippers has landed...welcome home jno, hope you had a lovely time...must have been the wrapper off your lucozade that flapped over the lens & made your pics yellow.

That sounds just like me neti, I talk to anyone & everyone...some people are just sooo interesting (can't say the same about myself, but the knack is, if you're interested in them, they think you are). I can spot a natterer at 50 paces in a waiting room, hehe, and they're not always the women. Actually I'm having a conversation right now, shame it's with myself :o) you ever have days when random things go through your head (no, not arrows) as if you're picking up snatches of radio stations?.....

....oh, just me going potty then?

Hi all
Lovely day again .Nice to see you Jno hope you had a nice time .Did you visit any ossuaries :).
Yes they xrayed my ossified knees Robinia .
My brother ran us up to the hospital as he had to have a blood test and rearrange his endoscopy appointment .Talk about the blind leading the blind .He's limping along and I'm hobbling behind him with me stick .He's a chatterer .I think he knows the world and his wife up there and the way things are going at the moment, I soon will as well:)

Shame about Murray and won't be watching the Williams sisters either .They never move away from the baseline .

Hope you are all Ok in spite of ,fuzzy heads ,gammy legs ,humidity and yellowish piccies :)
Toodlepip for now xx
Don't talk to the Norwegians Neti, they gloat at us Swedes. Just because we used to make merciless fun of them! And then they struck oil...

A stranger talked to me yesterday 'cos I couldn't help smiling at his dog, it's a bullterrier who's always carrying a neon cerise frisbee around in his mouth every time I see him. They're so photogenic, those bullterriers, but apparently not very nice to other dogs. Anyway the stranger turned out to own the tattoo studio down the street but when I asked him if he does white ink tattoos he said he doesn't 'cos it's always people who don't really want tattoos that want those. Well... yeah... guilty as charged. Don't even know if I want a white one, not if it's gonna look like a cat scratch.

I've got those random audio clips too Robinia, doesn't everyone? And random images just prior to falling asleep? Isn't that normal? (If none of you say "yes it's very normal" I'll just play an audio tape in my head that says so.)
yes its normal! When I was a child I could do eidetic images which is when those images look like they are outside your head and on a screen. I never mentioned it to anyone because I thought that was everybody did. Gradually the ability faded as I grew up (good thing too, you really can't see through them imagine if it happened while you were driving) and it wasn't until I was an adult that i found out what it was...
Wow...! Did you by any chance grow up in a field of poppies, Woofy...? A question: Were the objects of the images flat or 3D? (Flat I suppose as you say screen...?)
Just come back to annoy you while I listen to the motown ont' radio...

Doggy people are easy to chat to. I've talked to 2 in the past few days (strangers) had a lovely scruffy rescue terrier & the other had adopted the biggest retired racing greyhound I've ever seen, he was beautiful. <drifts into a dream of the hunk with the dobermans>...

Oh, so I'm not potty then? It's amazing what we live with in silence thinking everyone else is the same or fear admitting it in case they aren't....I've got a whole list of 'em! You can never be sure with these things, I realise the 'conversations' aren't real people...if you're ill I imagine you think they are. Bit like my imaginary friend, poor confused soul she is.

sweedie you're forgetting that everything was 3D in the 50s thanks to those two colour specs that every child had...shame they've gone out of fashion, I might have dimension if I was viewed through those.

Hello there. Tennis is nearly over. Just the big one to go now. Pity Murray lost the semi final. I thought he trried really hard. Still there's always next year.

I remember the 3 D specs Robi I went to see a cowboy film in 3D and at one point there was this snake pointing straight at us and it spat it's venom straight at us - horrible.

I talk to myself too and anybody else who'll listen. I bet people wish they hadn't sat next to me at times because I can go on a bit. But I do like people and consider myself quite gregarious. How's that for a Saturday afternoon word.

Nice to have you back Jno hope you sort your piccies out so we can have a look.

About an hour ago we had a lovely shower of rain. All my plants got watered. The air is a lot fresher now and the sun is shining again.

Ah well here's looking forward to Federer winning the final tomorrow. Unless Roddick springs a surprise.

Hope your leg feels a lot better Shaney Take it easy!

Have a peaceful Sunday Everyone

Morning folks.
nice to see swedeheart back,well done old girl.My sons in norway has we speak.Im orf to brighton-on-sea fer a week and me stagecoach leaves soon,so take care and catch you later dudes.whoooooosh.
pt 1
am I in the right place?'s taking me bloomin' ages to get in here...
<hobbles>...oooph, a'noon tout le monde...
Ailment du jour = Feels as though I'm walking on sharp stones, nothing visible, what the 'eck's that all about?... tut... as my mum used to say, there's always sommat...Have we got a good pair of legs between us shaney? P'raps we could tie our bad ones together & stagger around three-legged race style.

Well I see Vinny's boogered off to Brighton...I'll give him whoooooosh! He didn't ask us if we wanted to go...I wish I'd knitted his swimming trunks with scratchier wool now...
Good morning each and every - I do hope everyone is feeling chipper today!

swedie we were talking about "our friend in Stockholm" to the Norwegian chappy as he said the temp was 31� in Oslo, so we said oh yes our friend told us that stockholm was hot and it was the coldest place on earth when we got there - remember, but I loved it!

Gosh Vinny wish you were going to Brighton in August, I'd love to have met up with you!
PS Silly me, any of you who watch corrie can you tell me what happened to Michelle's real son Alex. I've been doing catch-up on the web but am now lost. And also how and when did Tony kill Liam, thanks x
morning...have they woken the hamsters up, they must have been drugged yesterday judging by the speed of this place... idea where Alex is, he doesn't get mentioned now, but Michelle's away anyway (thankfully - I wish she'd stay away). Tony had Liam can watch it on youtube not very good quality....Carla's coming back in Oct

gotta whoosh, looks like I'll get soaked to the skin again....deep joy.

spoke too's still slow....
Thanks robi, I'll follow that link. My computer is very slow on every site, I've been defraggling and rebooting and getting rid of important progs, and then reinstalling - oh don't ask!

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