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Black Pud

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Vagus | 17:37 Mon 04th Dec 2023 | Food & Drink
50 Answers

How do you cook/eat yours? Just curious 🧐 



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Grill it usually. Sometimes fry it with Bacon.

Cut into discs and fry

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Did your bowel cleaner arrive retro?

Mostly when I use Black Pudding it is in a Spanish stew called Fabadas Asturianas so it ends up boiled towards the end.

As it comes, from my butcher, usually in a salad, occasionally in a sandwich 

Vagus @1640

Once again after two more frantic phone calls to endoscopy I was obliged to go, again, and collect it for myself this morning. I finally got it at 1130 and my first of two doses was meant to be taken at 12noon. Cutting it fine. Their endoscopy unit is not fit for purpose.

Usually I fry it or grill it with tomatoes/ mushrooms.  Can also be used as a stuffing for chicken/pork though I have not tried it that way.

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Oh well, at least you got it even if it was just in time. I hesitate to ask, is it working?

I usually fry it and we have it with a mixed grill. As a child, OH used to have his boiled and then smothered in ketchup.

Today I'm doing ours in the oven bit of the microwave alongside hash browns, serving it with a fried egg, grilled tomatoes (or maybe oven cooked alongside the black pud and hash browns), some baked beans and a bit of toast.

Urgh, Barry, in a salad..cold??

Oh yes, we have used it for stuffing pork fillet and chicken breasts, also under a poached egg for miner's Benedict 

Preferably as it comes. Bite, bite, bite.

Black pud is a already cooked product when you buy it, but if you care to give a quick fry it does tend to expose more taste.

Buy it cooked and eat cold. 

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Don't think I could eat it cold straight from the packet, really fancy it under an egg with hollandaise sauce on top 😋

Shallow fried preferably but also cold from the fridge.

Black pepper will give it an extra zing, if you like a double zing, fry in fresh garlic.

nice bloke @ it's not cooked!!!

At least the one I get isn't...states raw on the package. 

I pan fry and have with soft, creamy scrambled eggs. 

I recently started using it in meatballs...combined with either sausage meat/pork mince...or beef mince. 

I cook OH's pieces (I don't like it) by shallow-frying in a butter/oil mix.  Our local butcher sells whole ones or will cut slices.  Usually with saus., bacon & eggs for a cholesterol-boosting treat.

Incidentally, now that MrJ2 has reached 90, the GP has stopped his steroids - says he's had all the good he's likely to get from them.  Over the last few years it seems that he's 'grown out of' being liable for lots of diseases - or so we're told.

Retrocop - that all sounds horrendous.  At least Mrs. Retro knows her way around the systems- I think you once said she was a nurse.  It's taken us 3 hrs. on the phone today to actually get an answer from York Hospital regarding an  appointment.  The NHS isn't fit for purpose.

This is re Stornoway Black Pudding

You can grill, fry, simmer, microwave or even bake black puddings. The simple answer is that there is no right or wrong way. Our black pudding is fully cooked during manufacture, so yes, you can eat our black pudding right from the pack, cold, if you wish.


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Pasta, most black pud is cooked as that's how it's made. I wonder how the one you buy is made?

I get mine from M & S, it's made by Macsweens....

"HANDLING RAW MEAT SAFELY: this product contains raw meat and must be cooked according to the cooking instructions. 

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