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Underage Sex

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FP | 15:13 Thu 04th Nov 2004 | Body & Soul
82 Answers

Why are more and more children participating?



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* I so agree
I think that's true andy hughes, also when asked about they feel bout being pregnant it's all "I've seen these gorgeous little timberlands, etc etc" not "I can't wait to learn nursey rhymes together or to go feed the ducks". I believe that it's probably too late to do anything now, a friends 9 yr old daughter the other day told my partner he was weird because "everyone has kids by the age of 23, weirdo". It's distilled in kids, particularly those that have young parents themselves that it is normal to be sexually active from a young age.

When I was at school (I'm now 33) there was a fair amount sex occuring, but there was also a lot of people scared of the consequences.  I appreciate I will get shot down in flames for this, but those who were concerned tended to have more to lose - likely university place and career, as well as having to face the disappointment of their parents and wider family.


Those that did get pregnant tended to be from young, large families, and they typically had older boyfriends starting out in jobs and driving a souped up Cortina.


I suspect that history repeats itself, and you are most likely take on the morals and views that you were brought up with.  Whether those views are 'right' or 'wrong' depends on whether you agree with them.


I also agree that education  is sorely lacking.  I had no sex education at school, but I did (and still do) have wonderful parents and I can vividly remember my Dad building up the courage to tell me the facts of life.  I guees the girl who had a baby in the staff room didn't have the advantages that I was so lucky to receive.


Finally in my little tirade, where is the moral guidance coming from?  The tabloids?  TV reality programs (never seen one, but do hear stories...)?  Celebs?  The Beckhams?  The Church?  The Government?  It cannot be left to the parents alone.



OK - my suggestion is probably idealistic, rather than practical. We need to steer society away from the 'see - want - must have' culture that we endure, and that is impossible, because it is so deeply endemic in every facet of modern life. The constant emphisis on the lives of 'beautiful people' living their ideal lives, and having ideal babies, should be reduced, as should the emphisis on that lifestyle advances in soaps like 'Holyoaks' - it is irresponsible in the extreme. I know this is fantasy island - we have a multi-national company allowed to promote an 'FCUK' brand, and be believed when they say that's simply an anactonym, and no offence is intended or inferred. Come on! We need to look seriously at the world our children are coming into, and the influences on them, and try to instill some degree of self-respect and regard for other people. For all I know, it may be too late, but I hope not. I believe in the inherent good of the majority of people, but they fight a losing battle against the scare tactics of the media, and the money-making film TV and advertising firms who offer a life that does not exist. OK, rant over. I make no apology for sounding like an 'old f*rt' - I believe that a little more respect and love will go a long way, for everyone, but I'm not holding my breath.
I don't think you sound like an old f*rt if it's any consolation. It's disheartneing for many mothers tho who get stereotyped for having children young, and it certainly takes away an innocence when children are only being dragged around shopping centres to show off their corn rolls, braids, trainers, etc. What makes me sad is it all sums up my family. My neice is three and has hair extentions for Christ sake and it does upset me and also makes me angry that people don't appreciate the gifts of children that they have because they weren't taking any notice of what's going on around them and what they could be doing with their lives.
I'm sorry to say that I think things have gone too far now, and I don't think things can or will change unless it's for the worse.
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Bangkok.  Thanks for your great answer.   I agree it can't be left to parents alone, but parents should provide the skills which can allow their children to make reasoned judgements and help them to understand about peer and media pressure etc. 

Thanks Andy for your views.  Very much the same as mine.  I also strongly believe that we have become too materialistic in our wants rather than our needs.  A parent's time is far more valuable than all the things you can buy your child.

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I hope you're wrong Natalie, but suspect you're right.


Greed and lack of respect for others seems to be taking over.


Well if it makes any old the "old fogeys" or "old farts" feel better me Georgit and SDKelloe will do our best to make a change! LOL :)
Here here!!!
SG not SD!
I'm 29 and when I was at high school there was a group of friends who were the same age as me (16 at the time) who thought that it would be really cool to all get pregnant at the same time so that they could all head to the baby clinic together with their little bundles of joy in designer buggies. Most of them did manage to get pregnant at roughly the same time but quickly realised that it wasn't as much fun as they thought that it was going to be. The endless sleepless nights , no money , pacing the floor with a teething baby , nursing them through childhood illnesses etc soon took it's toll on them. They are now 29 - many still on their own - with 12 year old daughters and feel that they threw away their teenage years. Whilst we were all out having a good time , studying , travelling etc , they were stuck at home , up to their necks in dirty nappies. I agree with what Andy said about kids starved of affection. Sadly , what they do not realise is that yes a child will grow to  love you but you must have unconditional love to give to the child first before this can happen. My young sister is a late birth (15) and at her high school , they have now introduced simulated baby dolls which mimic the responses of a newborn baby. (A sign of the times or what ?) A wristband is wired to the 'mother' and constantly monitors her responses to the 'baby'. It wakes constantly through the night , screams , needs fed , changed winded and sometimes cries just to be held. Oh and the real kick is that the teacher keeps the key so that they can not turn it off ! What a great idea. My sister is quite a level headed girl and not easily co-erced into doing things which her friends may be doing but it's a relief to hear her say that she was thoroughly exhausted after time spent with Baldylocks (Her doll) that having kids is the furthest thing from her mind.
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I only hope I get a daughter in law one day that sounds like one of you three young ladies!  I've got a single son on offer.  6'  Fair Haired, Slim, Nice looking, Musician - any takers!  God, he would kill me for posting this.
Your name isn't angela is it fakeplastic - your son sounds like my fiance!
I'm spoken for but Georgit isn't - where's she gone?

I'll try!

natalie_1982: hair extensions at 3? What the...?! Poor kid.

The sad truth is that for many young people out there, 'celebrities' like Jade Goodey are their role models. How do we expect them to turn out if they follow examples like that?  Don't get me wrong, I don't think Jade could have turned out any other way and she is a decent girl at heart, but 2 kids already by a partner she's no longer with?

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No, not Angela! and why would I advertise him if he's already got someone like you!!! Smile.
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Hi Enigma, does the doll also produce very realistic poos complete with accompanying pong!
Well exactly! Only messing!

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