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Underage Sex

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FP | 15:13 Thu 04th Nov 2004 | Body & Soul
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Why are more and more children participating?



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Natalie, I only learned what corn rolls were the other day from Who Wants to Be a Millionaire! 
Yes, three years old. The thing is she has beautiful hair anyway and she's the prettiest girl you've seen, but now has corn rolls down to her backside and can't do roly poly's without yanking her hair and hurting herself. I have to bite my tongue a lot as you can imagine, but sometimes you have to look at it that there are far worse off children out there who are being abused and neglected and what's hair extentions and timberlands when compared to something like that?
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And whilst we're on the subject, I absolutely hate to see little girls dressed up like mini versions of adults in provocative clothing.  It really makes me exceedingly angry to see a seven year old in mini skirts, heeled boots and makeup.    You can only blame the parents for this.  What on earth are they thinking of.  What chance to these children have of experiencing a proper innocent childhood?  Rant over

Hi old fogey! I'm so tired of hearing how much 'older' teenagers are these days when actually all I see is that they look older but actually are often so immature.  I'm probably going to get shot down for this but even some twenty somethings seem immature to me, compared to how we used to be, back when dinosaurs walked the earth.

The early sex just seems to be another thing that they simply must do & yet are far from emotionally ready for.

 I now think that at 18  I was too young for my first sex, & yes I did get pregnant, got married & had 2 wonderful sons. It was very difficult, but as Andy H says, so well as always, I was looking for affection.

It's a cop out to blame TV but they will keep on with these schoolgirl pregnancies where everybody rallies round & everything turns out ok & they cope. Even with older mothers it doesn't always work out, & there's very rarely a neighbour with a hot-pot who's always available to drop everything & babysit.

Please wait all you young ones - much better when you're older anyway!!

Sorry FP but it's not THAT realistic - more's the pity ! If I had my way , it would be programmed to periodically follow up bouts of incessant crying with projectile vomiting !!! Oh and the nappies would be VERY smelly and needing changed what seems like every half an hour. Now that would certainly be a real eye opener for them. The whole wash , feed change cycle. I've only got 6 weeks to go and I am filled with dread at the thought of it all again !!!

Hi again Fakeplastic, as we are both the same age, I hope I don't appear like an old fogey either! 


This is a good question & I agree with all the comments on some of the the young 'care free Mums' who participate in underage sex, then to go on to have babies at a very early age, just to be given council houses & live on benefits. I think it is an absolute disgrace that we - the hard working tax payer, should subsidise their life styles, when they could take a leaf out of other young Mums' books who do not end up like them. 


I had a very happy childhood, but married young & went on to have two beautiful daughters, who really are a credit to us both. They are very caring, giving, responsible, intelligent, mature adults. They have provided us with four beautiful Grandchildren, but only after working hard at school, college, careeers & getting married of course! We have both worked hard all our married life too. We have never been in debt, well apart from our mortgage of course, but now 'own' our home. So what I am saying is that not all young people have to end up like the aforementioned.


My philosophy is: Get off your backside & strive for a better life! Although the saying :'You can lead a horse to water - but you can't make it drink' comes to mind - especially with the Governments attitude to this problem we now have.

I hate it when parents get their childrens ears pierced when they are only a few months old - how irresponsible is that, then again, it takes us back to the fact that teen mums want their very own little doll!
I have to agree on the little girls dressed as grown ups thing FP, mini skirts, midriff revealing tops, heel knee high boots, etc. I think it's fun for little girls to play with make up but to wear it out is ridiculous. I was talking to my aunty about this the other day, she had children in her mid 30's and was telling me "they're only young once" and I should make the most of it when I choose to have children and I intend to. Good luck enigma :)
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Overheard one young mum saying  about getting her baby's ear pierced, 'Oh, she screamed a lot when they did it, but she soon stopped'  Baby looked about three months!  I felt like punching her (mum, not baby) but I'm not that violent.
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Hi Smudge, good to have your views.  I knew you would be joining in.
And ear piercing, you are so right about the dolls thing.
I have a friend whose daughter is the same age as my eldest (Seven) but they are light years away from each other in maturity. My daughter is a naive seven , who believes in Santa , dresses like a little girl and has an innocent quality about her. My friend's daughter on the other hand dresses like a mini Britney Spears , gets her hair dyed and highlighted regularly and moans when her roots need done , has a mobile phone and is a bit too grown up before her time. Her mother finds her amusing but I don't. I am horrified that she wants to sit in on adult discussions and seems to have bypassed her childhood. I refuse to buy my daughter a mobile phone and when my friend tells me it's in case anything happens to her , I always say the same thing - a mobile phone is not a substitute for parental supervision.  
I was watching that episode Fakeplastic, and I'm so glad she didn't say wheatrolls! And yes, I'm back now, so hands off you girls who are already taken- I'll have him! How old is he?! I'm having trouble keeping up with this post, as it is growing at an amazing rate!

I've just become a dad for the first time, 10 week old daughter.  My intent is to be there for her and to give her a moral upbringing (in the way I had).  I'm sure all new father;s think that, so log on in 20 years and I'll let you know.


I do know she will not be like my colleague's daughter with 50 pairs of shoes and chanel make-up aged 4.  And heaven help her boyfriends!

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Thanks for your contributions everybody - I've enjoyed this thread.  I'm off now for a while.  Have a good evening.  I really hope that some youngsters might read this thread through, but I doubt it.
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Many Congratulations to Bangkok.  Enjoy your lovely daughter.
Good thread FP, maybe there's some hope yet :) Congrat's Bangkok.

Excuse me whilst I splutter with indignation and rage...highlights at 7?!!! My younger sister started having her hair highlighted at about 15 and I thought even that was way too young, but 7? That's ridiculous.

And noddy, I completely agree with your comment about immaturity in your twenties..I'm 25, and in no way do I feel ready to have a baby. Don't get me wrong, I would love children at some stage and know I'm going to make a fantastic mother (I've had the best role model in the world- she has four of her own, two stepchildren, works full-time as a GP and still finds the time to love each one of us unconditionally and give us everything in life we need, NOT- and this is the vital bit- everything we want). If I got pregnant today, I'd cope, I know I would and I'd have to, but I'd prefer it if that baby comes along when I WANT it. Sorry, him/her!

ps: Bangkok, where are all the other men?! I think you're the only one on this thread!
Thanks Natalie. I've got two kids already - both girls - so I must be a glutton for punishment lol ! Will keep you posted on what I have. There's an idea , I could make some money for myself eh ? I could invite potential teen mums to come and live with me for one week and see how much hard work it is with a baby. I could sit with my feet up eating cream cakes all day and let them run themselves ragged changing baby number three , stopping daughter no 2 from licking the walls , eating my flowers , colouring in the leather suite with my brand new lippy etc and listening to daughter no 1 with her Bart Simson impression : Can I mum , can I mum , can I mum ? (Which is quickly followed up by : But why , but why  , but why ???) Ahhhh , heaven !!! Do you think i'd have any takers ?

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