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Underage Sex

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FP | 15:13 Thu 04th Nov 2004 | Body & Soul
82 Answers

Why are more and more children participating?



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The bottom line is i think we learn from our parents. I had a very respectable upbringing and i learnt how a family can function happily, how to discipline children fairly and how to love and care for children and i learnt all of this from my parents. I am the eldest of 4 and always had to set an example, but i get a good feeling when my mother tells me that even though i had a baby at 19 that she wouldn't mind in the slightest if my two sisters did the same, providing they followed my example and were engaged to the dad, had a job and got their own place. All i can say is that i hope i can do as good a job with my daughter as my mam has done with me and my siblings, coz i don't think there is anyone who could of done it better! God - how soft am i????
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He's a mature 21 Georgit.  Very intelligent, Quite quiet and can be quite opinionated and very intense.  Needs a young lady to lighten him up.  Seems to hang out with folks in their late 20's, early thirties.   Is at Uni at moment.  Doesn't like being a student and hates clubbing.  He could debate for England!   If he finds this site he will definitely kill me.  It was he that started my love of Radiohead and hence my user name. I'm meant to be gone. If I never appear on here again, it's because he's found out I posted this.
Oh i bet he brings you home a lovely girl one day. He sounds clued up! Some lads his age are right idiots!
LMAO @ enigma. Certainly not me, I'm sure they're lovely girls but you'll have the same response as I give my friends when they ask if I fancy babysitting "The reason I don't have children of my own yet is because I can do as I please and not have to have eyes in the back of my head!"

I love babysitting! You get that bundle of joy but can give it back again after a couple of hours!

PS: Very funny, Fakeplastic. And enigma, that sounds just like my household when we were all little!

I'm the eldest of 4 too, and I have a classic photograph of us all: my mum is feeding my baby sister whilst I sit next to her feeding my dolly. One brother is attempting to brush mum's hair with the loo brush, whilst the other "poses" for the camera with the most evil grin you've ever seen and a red felt tip pen in one hand, the kitten by the scruff of her poor little neck in the other.

Georgit, the (other) men are a lot of the problem.  Father at 15?  Walk away sir, and have a nice day / life.  Now perhaps if the fathers did have some sanctions against them (the snob in me says reduced benefits, I'm sorry) then perhaps they would be less keen to take a risk.  However, I suspect this is because it is almost midnight and I have spent far too long on AB and not enough time reviewing the report due tomorrow. I'm sure tomorrow I will be my usual tolerant self and accept that some people can serious affect the lives of others and suffer no consequences


Thanks for your best wishes, they are appreciated.

Oh well , it was worth a try ! They are great girls but also very much hard work at times - not so much my eldest but the younger one is a typical toddler - in at everything and you certainly do need eyes in the back of your head and have to anticipate every possible scenario. They do the strangest things ...... or is that just my kids ? I remember one time when my eldest was about two or three , I was rushing to get out the door and as I slipped my boots on , I felt a horrible , cold , sludgy feeling inside of them. As I slipped them off , I saw that I had Weetabix oozing out from them. When I asked my daughter if she had put her breakfast inside of them , she replied quite simply "Yes. I fed them because they were hungry". Who can argue with logic like that ? I was certainly at a loss for words !!!
LOL brilliant! My best friend and I cut each other's hair when we were 4. She chopped my gorgeous blonde locks willy nilly, and I lopped off each of her (very long) pippy longstocking pigtails...
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I have just posed a new question in People and Places entitled Children.  The last two posts here which really made me laugh are responsible for my new question. 


Thanks everybody for your comments today.

Oh my god Georgit ! What did your mum say ? I think I would just have cried and cried if someone did that to my girls' hair. I guess it's one of those things where you can laugh about it later ...... much , much later ! When I was a little girl , I always wanted to be blonde and resented my blonde Barbie/SIndy dolls , so whenever I was given one as a present , I cut off all it's hair or chopped it into a mohican. So just be thankful that you didn't come round my house or you'd have gone home a baldy lol ! Thankfully I grew out of this stage. (Or did I ? .... evil laugh !!!)

ps For the record , I never cut anyone's hair - only my dolls' hair. (Like that's so much better !)

growing up earlier. having no restraint. peer pressure. access to information. lack of fear for the consequences and questioning authority more.
Couple of thoughts on the original question, and apologies if Im just repesting stuff thats already been written, I havent read all the answers yet. One factor is definatly peer pressure, thats already been covered. Another is the fact that for kids, sex is a taboo subject, and illegal to participate in. That alone makes it attractive, if only to see what all the fuss is about. This country is seeing a general decline in behaviour of youngsters, hand in hand with a lack of respect for adults and rules in general. When I was growing up an important barrier to be considered was what my parents would do if they found out Id done something bad, and unfortunatly that doesnt seem to be there any more. Im not trying to say all children are badly behaved, but it does appear to be on the rise. continued below....

I'm sure that most of the problem lies with society as a whole, as well as the parents. When I was younger it was frowned upon to get pregnant if you were too young or if you were unmarried. You would end up the talk of the town and very probably ashamed of your predicament. You would be branded a hussie and ignored by some. Nowadays attitudes have changed so dramatically that most of society doesn't give a monkeys how old you are or whether you're married or not. Because of these changes there is now a lack of fear of getting pregnant.

I know that some girls still fear getting pregnant because of their futures or because of their families finding out, but there is now no fear of what society might say.


There is also the culture living off benefits. The more kids I have the more benefit I will get. There are families earning in excess of �30,000 a year in benefits. Where is the incentive to work or better yourself. It has already been pointed out that we live in a society of spenders. Everyone (and I know that's generalising) wants everything. A car, a house, the latest computer, hi-fi, holidays every year. And because the parents want this the kids do to. Parents nowadays give their kids more and more all the time and they lose the true value of things. We live in a society of debt where if we can't afford it we can borrow money and pay back later.


I think that parents and society all share the responsibilty.

...another factor is the greater introduction of drugs and alcohol at a lower age. Most of us here will know of the effects of alcohol on removing those sexual inhibitions, so if you've got a couple of drunk 13 year olds fooling around its not gonna take much for them to take it all the way. And finally, combined with all the above factors is that kids want to, its only natural. As soon as you hit puberty your body goes mental, I for one can remember sitting in classrooms thinking about sex for ages. Hopefully it was just all the hormones turning up, if not, im a pervert
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Hi Cardboard, what happened to the rest of your answer?  I read on as it said 'continued below' and then realised that I had read Wraith's answer as well.  Perhaps you are still writing it.  I was enjoying your answer so I wait with baited breath.
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I was obviously too impatient!

Yep, sneaky wraith managed to pop one in the middle. I should learn to type faster. Hope the wait was worth it...

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I'm thinking aloud and a result of your answer Cardboard (which was worth waiting for)  Puberty is the indication that we are ready for sex, yet we generally feel that this is too young and also legislate against it.  So has becoming civilised got us all out of sync. ie. in some third world countries young girls do get married at puberty?  As you know, I don't condone underaged sex, but as I say, I am thinking aloud.
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... and perhaps we have now turned and are reverting back to an uncivilised country!
Good point. While puberty is saying we are physically ready for sex, our society is saying we are not mentally ready for it. So yes, becoming civilised has got us out of sync, basically its our brains trying to overrule our bodies. This is understandable, as its civilisation that carries the burden of children who cant pay their way due to having kids young etc. And yes, I think we in a sense we are becoming more uncivilised, because we are becoming too overprotective of certain elements and this is lowering moral standards etc. Basically, we are losing control of the future genrations 

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