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Barmaid | 22:30 Tue 02nd Jan 2018 | Body & Soul
112 Answers
One of my big downfalls is I skip breakfast. I do try very hard to force down some toast or some cereal or some yoghurt but the truth is, I dont really like this stuff.

I do quite enjoy a continental type breakfast though with cheese and sliced meat.

Would the weight loss benefits of eating a continental style brekkie be better than none at all? I've got about 5 months to shift a stone and a half.


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Boo hiss. This was meant to be in weight loss and dieting......
I think you are perfect as you are....
Dieting isn't about liking stuff BM.. ;o) Porridge is the way to go
I think she is too shoota but a bride has to feel the very best she can
How about egg muffins? You can make a couple of days in advance and if you have to travel you can take them with you?
Smoked salmon and low fat cream cheese roll ups
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lol Shoota. I'll make sure I have your number in case the Mr BM to be decides I am too flabby!!

I know Mazie. I just need to be a little better at this stuff. I HATE porridge.........
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Oooohhh, smoked salmon and cream cheese..... am liking this diet.....

I dont have to travel that often - althought I have to be away at 6am tomorrow. I WILL NOT CALL AT MACDONALDS AT ELY, I WILL NOT CALL ...........
Porridge is easy. Three minutes in the microwave. No milk or flavourings apart from a sprinkling of salt.
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I never eat breakfast, I'm not hungry first thing. I wouldn't force yourself if you don't feel like eating.
You can make your own mcdonalds muffins but the egg muffin I am talking about is just, eggs, chopped ham, mushrooms or broccoli peppers etc, place in muffin moulds cover with beaten eggs and then add grated cheese. Bake
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BM Hates porridge Jack, so that's no good. Scrambled eggs and smoked salmon is supposed to be nice.... I hate scrambled eggs!
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Banana ?
To eat annea?
A few ideas here, I'm not a breakfast eater as such but some look good.
Eh yes Islay ?
Ice cold banana smoothie with milk or yogurt and honey, quenches the first and some quick energy and empty stomach for a coffee at the office

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