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shaneystar2 | 17:28 Thu 22nd Apr 2010 | Beauty
989 Answers
Right ladies
The sun is out the sky is blue and it may very well hot up a bit a bit soon which means less slap. .This winter has taken it's toll on my skin and in spite of exfoliating ,cleansing and whatnot it looks dingy to me .
I don't expect miracles at my age but just need something to brighten my skin a bit and make it look a bit fresher .Do any of you use face packs on a regular basis and if so what can you recommend .


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Phew...dont like them......
"Sutton High Street" oh shaney know it well, my friend actually owned "The Crown". When we left here in 1978 and moved to my in-laws in West Sutton (tother side of rec) I thought I was in Heaven, such lovely shops, I worked at the top end once opp the station, and another time on the Bypass. Last time I was there, at least 12yrs ago, it was awful, rough and full of yobs. I loved the market behind Tesco!
Am catching up on Eastenders and so worried cos my sister also watches it, but she's not daft, but may find it upsetting.
:¬( :¬( :¬( :¬(
Know exactly what you mean by checking on the drunken little things. Hija was out last ni8ght and tottered in at 10am, rather the worse for wear. I don't worry as much as I used to, but always check that she is breathing and not inhaling vomit, just part of motherhood I guess.

So Mr S is peeing OK is he, was going to ask, hope all turns out Ok for you both.

B-i-law's feet are turning black not just the toes but the heels also, sounds like gangrene to me! The foot surgeon said it was nothing to do with him and that they had to see another specialist (something beginning with V- no idea), as there is no circulation in his feet,
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The Crown is till there Neti ..or it was last time I was down that way,which was for a funeral .
I remember the market .Don't know if it' s still there .It's a big Asda now where Tescos used to be .Alders has gone and it's nothing like it used to be years ago.
My friend who lives on the St Helier Estate keeps me up to date with all the goings on :)
ahem, can't say I've ever checked what jno jnr is inhaling. It was not on my list of parental duties.

Reminds me of the dreadful fate of Spinal Tap's drummers - one of them died after inhaling vomit - "Not his own".

Would I be right in thinking Jude's team underperformed?
Too right Jno but I'm over it now, watching one of my favourite programmes, Merlin.( Forgotten all about eeerm what was it!!)

I'm feeling a bit better today and looking forward to a good night's sleep and as I haven't dozed today that may happen.

I'm happy Mr S is going normally now and manages to hold on to it for the test.

Sorry about your Bil Neti. It does sound like gangrene. I really hope he gets some sort of relief from the situation.

Merlin is getting a bit dark but it always ends ok so I'm looking forward to that bit.

Have a good night Everybiddy. See you tomorrow.
Ooops I have to wait until next week to see what happens!!
St Hellier Estate, that's also a bit rough now isn't it. We had some friends who lived there but they hated it so sold up (on that big green opp Hospital, ex council houses) and bought a house in Eastbourne. If I had to go to the hospital and it was dark then Mr N wouldn't let me get the bus, he (or one of the parents) would meet me. I quite liked some of the shops there though (mind you I like shops anywhere!!)

Feeling much better. I am practically sure it was the kidney beans. It didn't feel like a bug. I just shook and went boiling hot and retched and retched but nothing came up. No problems at the rear end at all. All I know is that I couldn't even stand up and would have been grateful if someone had come and put me out of my misery. I really thought my time was up!!

I have done a quick flip through all your posts and think I am up to date. What really sticks in my mind is Shughy passing a roll of plastic bags and a leg covered in yuk and poor Woof having to clear up her house and scrub carpet.

Neti's avatar continues to dominate, jno managed to get some sleep, Jude has been unsuccessfully squirting stuff where the sun don't shine, I shall have to go back and refresh myself shortly. All too much to take in.

Shaney, the M&S dine in for 2 at £10.00 was amazing. Garlic mushooms, followed by delicious haddock dish with potatoes, spinach, cheese and breadcrumbs followed by a raspberry panacotta. The wine is still in the fridge. All I had to do was steam some veggies. What a bargain!

(You can tell I am feeling better).

I love my new BHS hat - leopardskin fake fur. Can't wait for some cold weather. I would never have bought it without Shaney's encouragement.

Going to have an early night and hopefully tomorrow I will be less tired.
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I'm glad you feel better Lofty .I reckon it was the kidney beans .Not hot enough.
Warmed through probably . Glad you still like the hat does look nice .
I did love the the black one but I couldn't really wear it round Morrisons could I ? ..Lol.....
I may get a ten quid dinner next week .I have to trail into Yarmouth anyway for some odds and ends . But the salad was lovely and those little new pots were delicious . Their food is nice but our one here is so pokey !

My friend has been on the St Helier for donkeys years Neti . Her family were moved out of the East End after the war .She's too old now (75) and set in her ways to move . Bless her .She's someone I worked with for years .
That hospital is a nightmare though ..awful place .
My Nan died in St Heliers Hospital, 26 years ago. I just remember the awful green old fashioned paint and how awful it was. They treated her well though.
No Shaney, you couldn't wear that hat round Morrisons!!!

For those that don't know, this was the hat in question.


He, he!!
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Lol..... that would knock 'em dead on the fish counter .

Mr S was rushed in there when he had his first prostate palaver ..I soon rushed him out again to St Anthonys :)
Night night xx
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I think I'll toddle off .Oatley and honey ,jimjams ,book ,bed !
It's blowing a gale here .
Goodnight folks ..hope you all get a good one xx
Morning all, just let the cat out. My ma in law worked in st anthonys as a secretary. She died there also.
Morning all. Very windy here today so no early morning outings. Lottie i wonder if the kidney beans were fresh ones and not cooked for long enough?
Fabulous hat, very stylish.
Shaney, dine ins are fortnightly, tuesday to thursday so if you want one better get in and get it.
Neti I am keeping your BiL in my thoughts and prayers.
Morning all again. Have let the cat out for a second time so will stay awake now.
Kidney beans are poisonous if not rinsed properly. Hija had a friend whose father worked in a kidney bean factory and he warned us all about them, and he would never eat them. I quite like them in a chilli con carne, but I rinse the tinned ones many times before using them.

Another lazy day streches ahead, although there are lots of little jobs Mr N has to do, ie mend my CD player, take the metal things off my jeans pockets so that I can taper the hips, and mend the leccy cable thing for hija's computer. And most important, to take us our for lunch!!

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