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Face packs

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shaneystar2 | 17:28 Thu 22nd Apr 2010 | Beauty
989 Answers
Right ladies
The sun is out the sky is blue and it may very well hot up a bit a bit soon which means less slap. .This winter has taken it's toll on my skin and in spite of exfoliating ,cleansing and whatnot it looks dingy to me .
I don't expect miracles at my age but just need something to brighten my skin a bit and make it look a bit fresher .Do any of you use face packs on a regular basis and if so what can you recommend .


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oh jno, sorry to hear that. Can you catch up today or does that not help?
I had a huge medicinal rum and coke last night and it put me out nicely till the alarm went off. Piled dogs in car, drove down my side road, got to main road and saw a young boy laying on his push bike by the kerb!!!!!!
Not exaggerating in the streetlight he looked dead. Anyway i did 999 and went and had a good look. Happily he was breathing, long story short he was drunk as a skunk. The ambulance turned up and the guys started talking to him like a pair of dutch uncles. They said I needn't stay so i took the dogs for a walk and came home. He said he was 18 and lived with his friend but he only looked about 14 and i bet (hope) his parents were panicking. He looked well dressed and clean. What a silly boy.
Good morning All.
Woofy what a shock for you with that young lad I'm pleased it turned out alright in the end.
Glad you had a good night's sleep I was up at 2 drinking tea and taking paracaetamol but when I went back to bed I had a good longish undisturbed sleep and now I feel better today. I had to giggle this morning cos I had a good nose bleed. I reckon someone has it in for me and is goin to make me bleed from every blooming orifice before the week's out!! At least now I can laugh.

Shaney how is Mr S doin with his water works lately. Still improving I hope.

Usual trip to my Sis for cuppa but I think I may go in the car then it's sport for the rest of the day for me. Derby Play West Ham on telly later.

Hope you all have a good weekend whatever your up to.
See yer later 'gater(s)
Morning all...windy and dark here.
I couldn't get to sleep last night but it was probably because I'd been laughing at Robin Williams & Jennifer Saunders on Graham Norton's show. (They're doing 3 new specials of Ab Fab btw).

Hope you feel better today Lottie, (and Jude too), there's something going round here (ain't there always?)'s them 'orrible little kids who grow all the bugs :o)

Ooh heck woofy. Someone fell off the pavement into the road right outside my house a while back...ambulance people had a bit of a job with him, turned out he'd had a few sherberts. They're so patient, they must get fed up drunks...I just want to chuck a bucket of cold water over them, but maybe it's as well I didn't in this case, within the year he'd gone to the great bar in the sky.
That's a lovely hotel...had to smile at 'Christmas day in the scullery'...sounds like home from home :o)
well, if I find the horrible little kid who gave me heaps, he can have them right back.

So my night was not entirely wasted on sleep, I did some cards as well. I did not walk outside to minister to the poor and lame and drunk, though.
Morning all, am sitting at a pavement cafe, having my second coffee of the day, having had the first earlier with mr n . Thes sun is out and is very warm, am sweating in my boots. Woofy thats a reason i worry about you and your early labour.
Well if I wrote cards in the wee small hours the writing would be a heavy scrawl that perforated the card 'Have a splendiferous watevva'...and I'd send it with no stamp on. :o)
Ha ha bloody phone, of course i mean jaunts!
Neti i am not rash. I kept well clear while I assessed what the circs were and awful though this sounds one of my options was (and always is) to sock the blighter as hard as I can and I am a big tough SOB. My car doors lock while I am driving, also I was in the middle of houses. If the road had been a deserted one and unlit, I would have said to the emergency people, from my car, that I was alone and thought it unsafe to leave my car. When I am actually walking the dogs, they behave like savage wolves if there are strangers around.
The silly boy this morning was lucky it was me who found him and not a gang of youths who would have robbed him and kicked his ribs in.
PS ta daaaaa carpet is now finally shampooed and clean. I am going to have an early lunch then shower and put on tidy clothes and lol in elegance.
Are we having a grotto this year?
Get some chic sheets down quick woofy!
I think we'll have to cobble together an impromptu grotto wherever we are at the time woofy, haha...I've got a bit of old carpet, a string of dodgy lights and some jelly fruit slices fom last year.
I will be back to read through all your posts soon. Have been to Morrisons and now feel extremely tired. Temperature is still going up and down but I am recovering.
Lottie you won't get better unless you take it easy...
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Hello folks
Bit dull here and very breezy .
Oh well done Woofy ...I hope he's a grateful lad that it was you that came along. But he's a silly b. nevertheless . Young lads and drink don't mix at that age as I know very well .
Especially when they get run in for being lippy in Sutton High St or get heaved over the threshold by their mates only to collapse in a heap and you spend all night hovering over them to make sure they are still breathing .
But it's a lesson learnt !
Hope all poorlies and insomniacs are feeling a bit more chipper today .
I haven't even bought any Christmas cards yet ! I don't seem to have much enthusiasm or energy for Christmas at the moment .

Thanks for your enquiry Jude'm still measuring piddle .Hospital appt on the 23rd Dec....I ask you ...with a full bladder .That'll be a dash if things don't calm down .I'll need to take a bucket with me .

Otherwise nowt doing here . An impromptu grotto would be very nice Robinia ..bring out the brantub :)
I bought some cards and realised they're a bit 'girly'...oh well, the men will have to be in touch with their feminine side this year.

Padded coat I ordered from debenhams has's crip, big for it's size, got a flimsy excuse for a hood and not even worth the sale price. Oh well, back to the expensive ones :o)...and I've accidentally found the Fossil site...loadsabags!

Sounds like a bug Lottie, get well soon!
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OMG .. I think I've died and gone to heaven Robinia :)
I can throw in some moulting tinsel and really old bath salts.

(repeats to self I must not look at Fossil website)
Getting set for kick-off. I'll be back.....x
kick off Jude? It's a bit late, it's dark. :o)

lol found it then? ...those were the exact words I said out loud when I found them, haha, I'd happily have all of of them.

go on woofy, you know you want to....
just find your nearest shop

(it'll probably be Texas, but you could get there on the Farewell Trollop)

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