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Book Title By Neville Shute

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megfitz | 20:44 Tue 28th Nov 2023 | Arts & Literature
15 Answers

There is a book written by Neville Shute about a nan successfully treated in a local hospital  who then revives the local shipbuilding industry, it's one I read many years ago and would like to read again if only I could remember the title!!

Any suggestions please.



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Ruined City

Think it might be Ruined City.

Ruined City, I think. It's 35 years since I read Shute.

Captain2 - I love all Nevil Shute books.  Two I return to again and again are A Town Like Alice and In the Wet.

I've never re-read any, maggiebee, but I'd certainly go with your best two. Very gripping.

Just made my self smile by remembering I got the Nevil Shute complete series from Readers' Digest - yes, really, I fell for it. They came once a month so I had to keep up.

I had to read Neville Shute novels at school. I enjoyed Pied Piper but hated No Highway. I think I prefer his Australian novels.

I enjoyed his autobiography, Slide Rule.

Ruined City - would you believe that I read all of it, and cdnt understand why it had no mention of Alice Springs ?

I was only 14. You reads the books available - Ruined City was and A Town Like Alice wasnt.

wiki Nevil Shute is good

He must have been as rich as hades ( or the biog is mis-written)

I was gonna ask but I now know

The Chequer Board is about a POW revisiting a japanese camp

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Thank you all, it is Ruined City but I might  splurge and re-read all my favourite Neville Shute books, that will be my winter project.! Thanks again.

I live on Hayling Island. So did Neville once !

^^^^ Nevil

Sorry Captain, I foolishly followed the OP's lead.😀

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Book Title By Neville Shute

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