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I regularly take my dog to the park and he loves running around like a maniac until other dogs start to mount him which causes him distress cause he hides behind my legs to get away from them. Is it...
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hiya I wrote about 4 weeks ago stating that my rabbit had a skin complaint after going back and forth to the vet on numerous occasions having various treatments which havnt worked at all. My vet has...
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I really want to get a pet for my flat, but not sure what to get. What I would really love is a pet with a personality that can sit with me while I'm watching TV and be a good alternative to a cat...
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does anyone have a recipe for dairy free cakes, biscuits or pastry please? We have a child at our pre-school who cannot have milk or eggs and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find things to do...
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where can i buy dairy free Easter eggs suitable for my milk-intolerant toddler?

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