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The Rutt

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The Rutt
The pictures on a lot of websites I visit appear as a white box with a red cross in the corner. I have checked my settings and have show pictures enabled. It doesn't happen on all sites, but seems to...
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I seem to have the above virus on my hdd. It has deleted a lot of exe files can I get it off? Heeeelp
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The Rutt
I have a controlled document that I have converted to html. Is it possible to remove the option to print the web page from internet explorer using code? Also can I stop people from copying the text...
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If a bullet travels through the air faster than the speed of sound, why does it not make a sonic boom?
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If - for example - the detective series Van der Valk is repeated on TV, would the writers of 'Eye Level' receive royalties for the theme music? Or do writers generally 'sign off' continued royalties...
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Was it Laurel or Hardy who used to say the above line? This was a question in a quiz I once entered, and they said the answer was Stan Laurel. But I've always thought it was Oliver Hardy.
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Why is my Dvd And CD Writer finding it difficult to read disk
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I thought it would be fun to see if we could have a go and get 100 replies to a question on the site and this is probably the best category to try it in.....Just say hello or anything you want and let...
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What do 'haver' and 'havering' mean on '500 miles' by the wonderful Proclaimers
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The Rutt
Is there a program that can tell me how long a computer has been switched on for, or even better how long it has been logged on to a network without having logged off?
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The Rutt
Is there an easy way to convert lots of Word Docs to Html without having to open each one individually? Any help appreciated.
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anyone got any ideas how to play games online when your stuck behind a network firewall???
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Does anyone know what robert newman is doing (aka the talented one from Newman and Baddeil and the Mary Whitehouse Experience).
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The Rut
Sould AB allow people to register with similar names, I am 'The Rut' and have been for a couple of months now but I see there is a submiter called 'rut', this can be a bit confusing.I also accept that...

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