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What is the most disgusting perfume? I received Angel soap for Christmas and even in its box it is still stinking the place out. I apologise in advance for anyone who loves it.
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Roughquest I think Im being one for a guy....what to do ????? Just when I think I like a guy and they do this...oh poo....
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well hes 19 and totally useless , he lost his job last week due to stealing , he was on the fiddle and work for months and he was never caught ..but in the end we told him ..he was and they...
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I have just watched the Apprentice and once again am struck by the added talent these already overwhelmingly talented people have for packing suitcases. Do you share this knowledge? Every day you have...
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It was around '93-'95, a house/dance music tune with the chorus: "you catch my eye...".
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Does anyone know what music is playing while Alex is in the army camp as it's driving me crazy!?
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hi all, my 11 year old daughter saw another girl on holiday with a top on with a huge mouth and lips emblazened on the front infact the image is identical to a rolling stones mouth from 20 odd years...
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My best friend had a baby and I (being the spoilt brat that I am) hated the attention being taken away from me. I had always been centre of attention. When she told me the baby was Downs I shouted...
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What is worse rape or murder?
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Am thinking of giving my new house a name...(no, not like 'Dave') and yes, it can be tacky but wanted something rather nice anyway. My house is a semi detached new build in the corner position of a...
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Hi ive just had a baby, managed to drop a few pounds and am off out tomorrow with my mates, what is everyone wearing, im so behind, can any1 gimme sum ideas or any good sites, thanks alot !!
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Hi im trying to find some information of my greatgrand perents (1800s) i think i have found the church were they got married would i be able to ask to look at their records if so whot would i need to...
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How much pocket money should a normal kid have at different ages? Is ?5/week too little and ?15 too much do you think?
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Yesterday I wnet to my sons fathers house to enquire where the child maintence has been for the last 2 weeks. It was me ,me 1yr old son,him and his mother in the flat. The argument became heated an...

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