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sausagemash ther-mills-nominated-for-celebrity-mum-of-the- year-along-with-spice-girls-89520-20316651/ Heather Mills would certainly NOT be getting my vote. i think...
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Apologies for bringing the mood down, but I think I have a sound and valuable theory on why Cot Death occurs. Who do I speak to, in the medical world, about my theory??
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anyone here been on jury duty in the high court?for say a murder case or a case resulting in a death ?
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how does the families of the people cope when they go to prison and is there any help from anyone for financial and personal support
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Saw this on sky news this morning.A machine that make a noise only audible to teenagers and to be used to stop them loitering , urinating and in general being complete little sh1ts.But dont rush out...
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Has anyone got a favourite food that they just couldn't live without? mine would be spinach.
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I have really bad mood swings, mainly with my boyfriend. I'm not depressed, is there anything any1 can recommend or any numbers anyone can give me to talk to someone cos this is becoming a problem...
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Any acctually tried it and enjoyed?
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Help I need some serious joke telling to cheer me up. In the last two days some rotten git has reversed into my car in a car park and driven off not leaving any kind of note or anything. ?650 quids...
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I only come on here when i am at work through the day really, so miss all the arguments etc on a night! would someone care to fill me in....imposters, trolls etc etc... all becoming very confusing!...
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Have a good day! whatever your doing!
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Having a slow day at work today, so have ended up winding one of the lads up by telling him to phone his client mr walkers then giving him the telephone number for the newsagents next door (as in...
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hi, my friend received a 6 year sentence that was reduced to 3 years for stabbing someone. When is the earliest he could apply for parole/ early release/ one of these curfew etc schemes. I don't...
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Lucy Thomas
Imagine this scenario. You are in bed one night, alone in the house, when you hear a noise downstairs. You go to investigate and are confronted with a burglar who threatens you with a knife and makes...
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After months of hearing noises above us in floor boards, scruffling noises in or kitchen cupboards, a hamster has just come into our front room from the kitchen area!!!! We have managed to catch it...
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if your fig roll dropped into your brew, what would you do?
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HI I have recently met up with a guy and we had a drink together. I am due to see him again this week as it's my birthday and he said we would get together to celebrate. He has suggested a beer...
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This morning a nephew returned from foreign parts bearing a gift of a 4oz tin of caviar. I opened it for a little taste and I've scoffed the lot. I've just googled it and found it was worth about...
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i was in a shop recently when mine went off and someone said that the area managers says, "this is a text to the most beautiful girl in the room!!" what does yours do or say?
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what happened to mr beans post? just gonna read it.. and poooof,. it vanished, ?//

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