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(creda 12000d) washing machine, run 2 cycles and its not emptying the water i am in middle of running another wash on a different setting. any thoughts on what it could be, machine has run well for...
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I would like to grow some cucumbers this year and I've heard that if I don't remove the male part of the flower the cucumbers will taste bitter. Is this true and if so which part of the flower is male...
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Our son has a 6 month old kitten and yesterday he was having problems walking and sitting up, kept falling over an had no balance. Seemed fine in himself, eating and trying to play. Were going to take...
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I've bought some dale downey acrylic paper to try out a few ideas with acrylic paints. I normally use acrylic board but want to use paper for these 'throw away' ideas -venturing into abstract and...
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do any of you have one and would you recommend getting one? I thought of getting one but not sure where to start....
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I watched a television chef cook this, and it seemed an odd concoction. Has anyone tried it?...
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I was flabbergasted on the Chase tonight at the question which football team's home ground is the Goldsands Stadium. The answer was Bournemouth. I have spent nearly all my life living near or staying...
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Have kept hamsters before and would like to keep similar type animal, was looking at degu or rats, which is the easiest to tame and keep, also how many should be kept together, planning to get a...
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Has anyone else been watching this? I think he must be potty - but it's quite fascinating.
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ok, no idea where to put this or how to word it so i'll just do my best to explain! quite a long time ago I came across a web site & thought thats a good idea. It helped collect/deliver goods on...
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If I put a comment or post an a page of a group that I belong to how can I stop it showing up on my home page for all non group members to see? TIA...
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I'm aiming at increasing crops of my blueberry bushes this year by adding plenty of stable manure around the roots, as a mulch. Anyone tried this method ?...
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Hi Bought the above item and on opening it up I noticed that this lid dosnt fit snugly onto the top of the ceramic bowl, there is a bit of movement with the lid moves up and down if you press it like...
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Next Sunday night, BBC1, 2100 hours? Series 3 begins of . . . . . . . . . LAST TANGO IN HALIFAX. Yay! Yep, 1st of 6 episodes. Really looking forward to it. Easier watching than Missing:-)...
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I spoke too soon about them stopping! This morning the phone rang, I was upstairs and that phone doesn't have caller display so I answered it. It was Indian Michael, said he wasn't trying to sell me...
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Do we get paid our wages etc tomorrow....
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Any one used these sauce packets? Added meat and pots to slow cooker, packet says add 50 ml water, but that is hardly any.... Shouldn't everything be covered in liquid?
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mikey4444 Terrible story breaking in Bristol. Where is the baby ? I'm not the praying sort of person, but if I was ........
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Are there any members of Ravelry amongst the Ab family ? I'm trying to find some patterns for the above and have found some on this site but downloading them is presenting problems and I can't really...
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Do such things exist?

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