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Can anyone make any sense of these rocket attacks? I mean they must know that Israel will retaliate hugely. Surely Hamas must take some responsibility for their own deaths. I just don't get it, I...
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In Memorial This week, the UK removed The Holocaust from its school curriculum because it 'offended' the Muslim population which claims it never occurred. This is a frightening portent of the fear...
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Christians - if Jesus ever returns, as he promised, will you recognise him, or will you consider him to be a deluded lunatic (with all due respect to our very own Luna-tic)? What would he need to say...
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Mani Hussain
Have you ever taken drugs? If so why did you take them? and what was it like?
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Generally I am of the opinion that you cannot govern by referendum, however in matters of fundemntal change to the nation I think the people should be given a vote. Is this one of those occasions?
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Channel 4 News, now. A load of bearded muslims, pontificating on our Royal Family. A hint - if you don't like Britain, then sod off. Am I anti-Islam - too bloody right I am. And I make no apologies...
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What do you think would be the consequences of pulling all foreign troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan ?
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are we becoming a nation of racists?
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sp1214 .stm From today only skilled indiviuals from outside the EU will be allowed to enter the UK under a points system. The unskilled will be prevented and...
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The Daily Mail used 7 pages of today's paper to highlight it's campaign to get the use of super-markets plastic bags banned.
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I've posted and read a lot of posts relating to the topic of religion, all the for's and all the agins, and I put it to you is there any point debating it? I have my view and you have yours and the...
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From recent posts on here, for example regarding State Pensions, it seems there is still such a minority of well-off people. IS the divide greater than ever? How do people feel about it? To put it at...
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The Sherman
I have said this before and i'll say it again. You da man! I've not seen you lose one argument on this thread and your obviously incredibly intelligent. I really wish people would pay more attention...
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So, two(ish) years down the line of the smoking ban in Scotland, and I think we're seeing the effects, now that the fog has cleared, so to speak. The local pub, as we knew it, is in terminal decline....
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A man told his wife he was leaving her to live in Canada with another woman so she stabbed him with a pair of scissors. Is this justice? I can't do the cut and pastey thing! Could someone please...
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I've just received a PM on Sportsbank from Theland - and he's not at all well. He's taking early retirement from his job at the end of next week, and had hoped to find other work, perhaps on a part...
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This is a genuine question, I am writing my fine art thesis and I am at proof reading stage and need to know. Please help. Thanks MummyT
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Laura Loo
Following his conviction for the murders of five prostitutes in Ipswich the families of some of the girls call for the reintroduction of the death penalty for crimes such as this. What do you think?
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The Sherman
Right here goes...... I honestly don't want to start a big debate but for all the muslims out here can someone eplain what your religion is all about? From what i have seen so far it is very...
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Loosehead, ,30200-1305817,00.html Is there any hope if the next generation is being brainwashed into hatred and extremism?

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