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work out just when the health care authorities ever going to learn any lessons. shire/7242667.stm Every time a child dies like this some silly individual...
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AB Asks
A 76-year-old man who had been a soldier for 22 years was jailed for 34 days yesterday for refusing to pay ?1,438.51 council tax. Richard Fitzmaurice said that he was in court on a matter of principle...
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Refering to the fact that there was an Army recruitment campain taking place at some Asian carnival. George Galloway stated (on his Radio phone-in programme) that it was disgusting that the Army was...
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What song was playing over the closing credits of episode one?
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Loosehead,,30400-1 305023,00.html Now I support the ?25 idea but why allow small cars in for nowt? surely they will negate any benefit that the current system has...
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I saw an item on the news this morning about yobbos attacking fire fighters whislt they are out on a call. Rather naively, probably because I live in a middle class area, I had no idea, none, that...
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anotheoldgit /news/news.html?in_article_id=513388&in_page_i d=1770 Why is this a sensitive issue and really debated? This is yet another drain on our NHS. If is...
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amsterdammer /article3328024.ece Do you agree with the Archbishops sentiments that this country adopts certain aspects of Sharia Law?
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Lucy Thomas
It is extremely surprising that the Arab financed TV in Dubai would allow this to air. Be sure and watch this, it is so powerful I have no doubt she now has a very large price on her head. I also have...
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"The English Premier League is considering playing some matches overseas, the BBC has learned. At a meeting in London on Thursday, all 20 clubs agreed to explore a proposal to extend the season to 39...
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Can anybody act so low? 325.stm I hate to think what he puts in his recipes.
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Loosehead hire/7227897.stm I think we all agree that health and safety is a good thing generally but is it getting ridiculous? Do you think "ambulance chasing"...
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Lucy Thomas
Should all muslims be removed from the electoral register. This would effectively bar them from politics in this country because you have to be on the list to stand for parliament. The fact that a...
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To coin a phrase from past politicians, "They've never had it so good"! So why the suicides? anyone shed any light on this? I mean now they have games...
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Teenage gangs, violence (part of their culture laak know wot I meen laak) Who gives a sh!te anymore ? I certainly don't. While the yoofs kill each other I don't give a sh!te. South London is going to...
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Sp1814 last seen hanging around the Police March Question at 10.56 on Thursday 24/01/08. Hope he didn't get confused and thought it was about the Gay March?
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A reported 18,000 rank & file police officers marched through the streets of London, what a disgrace. What is this country coming to why was this allowed to happen? Why were they not given a good...
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Listening to the Jeremy Vine show today it seems the twins separated at birth, married without knowing they were twins and had their marriage annulled - never existed and never happened. But it was...
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anotheoldgit /news/news.html?in_article_id=509698&in_page_i d=1770 Should we wake up and act on the findings of Iraq's Deputy Prime Minister, when he says that if...
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Oneeyedvic British people are increasingly tolerant of sex before marriage, a survey suggests. The British Social Attitudes Survey suggests 70% of the 3,000 people...

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