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Where can I download a good firewall for free? I have AVG antivirus and it always seem to pick up loads everytime I run it, so I think I need a firewall really.
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Just wondering if we are all kind and generous in sharing our knowledge? I have asked 23 questions, make that 24 and answered 119 questions in my time at Answerbank. (also I have had 1 Question...
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amy 19
a short while ago i posted a message asking how other people felt when at 19 they had to start wearing glasses. Thank you so much for the many helpful replies I received. All of them were positive....
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 hi folks fed up with the weather , nothing on tv if it wasnt for my dvd collection id be slitting my wrists .... call this summertime , which leads me tomy question i was wandering " what is...
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if you butter the back of a cat wihch way will it land????
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With all this about poverty and us westerners being classed as wealthy compared to the third world countries it is about time to find out how wealthy so.... Here is a way to find out where u belong on...
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I'm thinking of changing my first name by deed poll as mine is just too average, I would like a name thats a bit different but not too exotic (considering my surname is davies lol) what girls...
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Has anyone got any quick, easy summer recipes, apart from just salad.  We both work til about 6.30 so by the time were home and bathed etc its getting quite late.   Thanks...
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Anybody know of any good free technical IT support type discussion forums?
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If you could go back in time, just once, and react to a situation differently, what would it be (nothing too heavy folks, am looking for frivolous small things)   I'll kick off:   1990 Upper...
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Did anyone remember (or care), it's my birthday today!  Sob!!!!!
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I wanted to be a writer - had some good ideas but couldn't get them out on paper.  Also I wanted to work in a lab but the careers officer told me that it wasn't a good job for girls as by the...
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Is it just me or was Robbie Williams off his face at Live8 when he was being interviewed by Fern Cotton?
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Whats the difference between a pixie and an elf ? Thanks in advance.
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I was telling a friend of mine about an incident that occured whilst playing the nintendo ( I soiled my self) I told him that i was 3 and he didnt believe a 3 year old could play on the nintendo....
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my 11 yr old has had bilateral hearing loss since birth, wasnt officially diagnosed (despite my major concerns) until she was 6 yrs old. Until 18 months ago was always educationally  2 yrs...
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what time does everyone on here usually go 2 bed. im off sick at the mo, i work nights so i'm used 2 being up till 6ish. i started thinkin ,maybe i was the only 1 left on here?
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What a gig, did you all see it? Used the multiscreen on BBC digital to it's full extent and can honestly say that the stuff that was coming from the Eden Project in Cornwall was just fantastic, watta...
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What book are you reading at the moment? I have just finished DUBLIN by Edward Rutherfurd.And was it worth the effort?
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hi all, this is kind of embarassing but I have just recently developed a pain in my breasts. The nipple feels tender and they hurt if knocked, like when i put on bras. They do sometimes feel a bit...

2001 to 2020 of 2115

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