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Have a lovely birthday x
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Merry Christmas all members of AB's Mad over fifties! Tonight is the "Christmas in July" Ball! For tonight's festivities we have opened the Ballroom it is festooned in fairy lights and evergreens, The...
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Sloth, Duck filled platypus, red panda, aye-aye?
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I know how frustrating it can be to be stuck for a couple of answers after slogging away at a crossword. But can anyone explain what possible satisfaction anyone can get from asking for and being fed...
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30a Cartoon mouse in the Simpsons? *t*h* not of fan of that prog many thanks you peops
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We young ladies (all over 60) are going to San Francisco in May next year. What's the best places to see? Is the City Pass worth buying?
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Thanks you lovely people I have been doing this crossword for a long time. Have just finished my first one!!!
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here I go again using and abusing all your lovely minds but I need help again! 32a Desert Yucca plant also title of U2 Album. 6&4. 39a Museo del ??? art gallery in Madrid 5. 24d /Mine 1985 sc-fi...
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never get to send in as I never finish! need help to complete again this week! 6a Swiss psychologist who created the ink blot, 21a Central California Park, 29a Two Lane ??? Monte Hellman's road movie,...
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who regularly posts on CB who I'm sure is a wind-up merchant? The grammar and spelling seems to vary from time to time which might indicate there is more than one contributor. What do you think?....

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