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I have been growing tomatoes for 30 odd years andevery year, although I have a lot of tomatoes usually, the leaves curl up, they stay green, but when it gets to the third truss they start to curl up....
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does the barley straw have to have been dried out for it to work to rid a pond of blanket weed?
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Last year for the first time we lost, firstly all our potatoes, then our toms to blight, due to the warm wet July. This year, following advice we have sprayed with Dithane as a preventitive, But...
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My son is thinking of going on a teachers training course - he has a degree in pharmacology -so sciences would be his subject. He is wavering because he has been put off by some friends. Any teachers...
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There is a song by Kate Bush with the lyrics in 'and ill take my shoes off and throw them in the lake'. I don't know what the song is called but I would like yo know! Anybody know?
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Hello friends , how many of you have elderly relatives and can tell me if this is normal for my step fathers age. I find that over the last couple of weeks he seems to use this " When I 've gone " way...
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Can anyone help, I seem to be allergic to bites and they become enormous very fiery and very sore sometimes becoming infected also. I seem to have tried everything, taking antihistamines, spraying...
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13a literary term for a natural musical song or tone(8) 53a archaic word meaning to write or compose a literary work (6)
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I keep getting the feeling that my outside ankle is very hot, but when I feel it - it is not. I had an operation on my spine 20 odd years ago, but surely it can be this. It has only just started...
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Do orchids have a lifespan and when do you pot on?
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Help, do I need special compost to pot my water lilies in my pool. I did them last year with ordinary compost and put stones on the top they were alright for a while, but when I looked after the...
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Sorry to overload this section with questions, but I have got the gardening bug after today's gorgeous weather. I have a garage wall facing the back of my house in my small sheltered courtyard garden....
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with my back today, sciatic pain, radiating down my legs, across my back, up my neck and through my head, hence my skiving here at work. On crutches to walk at the moment and going to GP at 2.20 pm....
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I`m looking for a climber/ivy or whatever to cover a very large area. I have several garages to the side of my property and dont want to fence them. I would rather let nature do the trick. Any ideas...
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Hello Just put in my beef casserole into my slow cooker on low, how long does it take? I gave it a quick blast with the high one so when putting food in it wasnt freezing but then turned it back down....
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why do we crave sweet stuff the wk befor aunt flow(AF)(period)? why do our(some of us)get sore boobs the wk befor?and what can we do about it?
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What is Llanidloes, Montgomeryshire, geographical claim to fame?
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At what age does a woman not have to bother with mammograms and smear tests?
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Can anyone help please ? 13a type of heavy opaque paint (7) 20a Single lengths of twisted thread (7) 37a Short English gun dog (6,7) Thanks in advance .........
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Can anyone of you tell me just what a pill taken for High blood pressure actually does please ?

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