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I share an office with two other people. One of them sits about three foot to my left, one of them three foot to my right. We seem to communicate to each other more via this web site. Why is this? Why...
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This is a pretty awful thing to ask and it may get deleted but just how do homosexual men ensure that their lower bowel area is clean enough for 'alternative' uses? [Question not deleted - but...
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Why is it that whenever someone dies and it makes national news (Holly and Jessica, Milly, Diana) someone always leaves a bunch of flowers with a card that simply says, 'WHY?'. This seems to happen...
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Answers on a postcard
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Is Roy Walker of Cathphrase fame still alive?
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Why are Scotland so cr*p at football? We're a nation of 5 million people and we can't produce a decent football team. The Faroe Islanders - barely enough of them to fill a pub, yet even they can tank...
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Who invented the blade concept of the football stud?
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How many ?5 coins comemorating the life of Princess Diana where minted in 1999?
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Techno/dance song from early nineties, the lrics I know are: 'Are you ready, Are you ready' dada dada da da, dadada dada da dada, dada da da dada, da dada dada da da!!!! If you can help it would be...
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If the unlucky Villa goalkeeper had not been ajudged to have touched the ball - what would the referee have given ?
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Who is your top ten boxers off all time? only people with knowledge of boxing, please answer. i think sugar ray robison was the greatest.
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Did anyone get the ending to 'Under Suspicion' with Gene Hackman and morgan freeman? Please Explain!!
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Can anyone tell me why jazz players gravitate to E flat and B flat ? I know there are a load of exceptions but its generaaly true, right ?
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What are the Red & White Poles on Buiding Sites?
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Does Noel sing the whole song himself or is he only singing the chorus. It sounds like someone else singing the verses (possibly Andy Bell). I am not a fan of them but this is the best song they have...

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