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luv2shop lol

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i want a jane norman bag, can i get one from anywhere apart from the shop?
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what's the best way to lose weight from your stomach/thighs instead of just building up the muscles? because i go to the gym but i want to tone up and lose fat from those areas instead of building the...
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Does anyone have any experience in hypnosis for giving up smoking? My boyfriend despearetly wants to give up but has very little willpower. He gets stressed alot at work and all his workmates smoke so...
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I'm one of those boring people who, when I text, use whole words and not abbreviations, as in e-mails. I haven't cottoned on to what Lol means - is it lots of love?
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I reckon i could talk for England, and if it was a olympic sport, would be odds on for the ''GOLD MEDAL'' What if any would be ''YOUR'' olympic medal?

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