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does anyone have any eyecatching make up tips as i tend to wear natural colours and want something different? also, all my makeup wears off really quickly is there anything i can do to prevent this?...
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Who narrates this show please?
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anybody know where you can get letters you can mount on the wall? i want some that arent bigger a piece of a5 paper each thanks
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I am getting a tattoo on Wednesday (after much thought, etc.) Does anyone have any advice? And no, I don't mean of the, "don't scar your body forever, what are you thinking?" variety! Thanks all.
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clairey-s et/ProductDisplay?catalogId=19551&storeId=1255 6&langId=-1&partNumber=TS13G27RIVR Anyone know where I can get one similar? Cheaper? Cheers x
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Does anybody know what can get rid of thrush once and for all. I've been to the doctors loads of timeas two weeks out of every month I seem to get bad thrush.The doctors have taken swabs and tested...
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Does anyone know any websites where they have hairstyles on it? Not a website where you upload your photo - just general hairstyle ideas. Ta.
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What are the best materials to use in designing my own tshirts? I love Diesel t shirts but want to create my own without using the rubbish pens that leave a fat, childlike design. What is there i can...
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our daughter is almost 19. for the past 18 months she has been fainting for no apparent reason. Dr has had her referred to a cardio clinic and a neurologist. neurologist says all is well and the...
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My eyebrows don't grow very much, well not in the right place anyway. I get alot of sporadic hairs growing above and below my eyebrows but it doesn't really ever thicken in the middle. And because of...
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sally sienna
Where did sienna miller get those slouch boots from that she wore for the isle of white festival, i love them.
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Help. Whats the best concealer for spots? I dont care how much it cost just want something to cover the redness! As I usually have two or three spots at a time around my chin area. Many thanks
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my hairs not in the worst condition (i dont straighten it and i use a conditioner every time i wash it), but its looking a bit dry and lack lustre. has anybody tried any products that are good for...
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leviathan 1
Ladies can i please have your opinion on what you think is the best smelling aftershave?
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lola jax
Does anyone know which shops sell neon nail varnish? Im after a bright neon red but can't find anywhere which sells anything like : (
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right, this is driving me mad. i remember this music video and i know i loved the song but i cant remember what its called. the music video had a young teenage caucasian lad with blonde dreads, he was...
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Why, when women spend time together, do their periods often end up synchronised?
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9 yr old daug has nasty cut/scrape on side of wrist. i have used first aid ointment and band aids during school day and at nite let air out and it still is kinda gooey and wont scab over real good ......
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I am looking for an alternative to waxing or shaving to achieve a hollywood bikini wax....does anyone know if epilation is a possibility or would that be completely mad?!!! Thanks.....
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Hi, any ideas how to solve the problem of carpet dents where there has been heavy furniture on the carpet and its left big dents. Thankyou

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