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My partner wants some male skin care products, can anyone tell me which are the best in your opinion? Here is what I need them to do: Face Wash - thoroughly cleanse and rid of impurities Face...
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Girls, what is the one piece of make-up which you absolutely positively cannot live without?
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Does anyone know how i can achieve the shine/glow on the cheeks that i see some people wearing...looks like some sort of foundation or base? and where can i get me some? Thanks!!!
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I feel like I should own a Chanel Perfume but there are so many I don't know which one to choose. What would folk recommend? Going to the shop to try them all is not good as it makes me sneeze and...
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Has anyone seen any nice grey shoes or accessories about. I have just bought the most beautiful grey dress for a wedding next week but have no accessories or shoes to go with it. It had a tiny bit of...
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Can anyone tell me where I can get a pair of faux snakeskin gold wedge sandals like the ones Alison is wearing inside the album cover for Supernature?
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I want to start running but get terrible pains in my shins (presumably shin splints). Are there any particular things I should look for in a pair of trainers that can ease this condition? As I'm only...
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how long is the flight from a london airport to dublin??? thanks in advance! : )
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i would love a shampoo that really cleans your hair and makes it all zingy and nice. i dont think the one im using at the moment is much good cause my hair never feels and smells really clean after...
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Does anyone know where I might buy a good clear umbrella, without a coloured strip around the bottom? One of the more dome-shaped ones? Though not Ebay. Thanks
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I'm wanting to lighten my hair, I currently have black/blue hair, and I'm wanting to go Dark Brown. Will it work best to bleach my hair blonde, then dye it dark brown? becuase i know just putting...
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My wife has been searching high and low for navy blue leather gloves. Seems to be every colour under the sun but that. Any suggestions please?
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Is this a sign of a stroke or just an old wives tale?
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I get ingrowing hairs on my neck is there a way to get the hair out?
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Can you recommend a good moisturising facial wash? My skin has become very tight and dry in the colder weather and although I've been using one that's supposed to be moisturising, it isn't helping.
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I have a huge golf umbrella that has multi coloured sections. It is now holey and useless. The website I bought it from now doesnt sell them Anyone help? Thanks in advance. Feee
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i know your supposed to drink something stupid like 8 glasses of water a day but i physically cannot drink that amount of water, it makes me gag. is it so terrible to add a bit of orange/lemon squash...
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I'm a herbal tea drinker but also suffer from problematic skin so it would be useful to drink herbal teas which are known to help with spots etc Anyone know of any/had any good experiences? Ta
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Originally I was going to write about the problem I have concerning my spotty botty, however, whilst in the shower this morn I noticed spots are starting to form on my calves, thigh, hips and now onto...
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I am looking for alternatives to using razors and waxing. How effective are Lady Shavers and epilators? Which is best to use? Thanks in advance. xJx

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