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I have seen people on TV eating these super hot curries as a challenge using the worlds hottest chillies but can it do you any harm? I can't see that it can unless it gets in your eyes of course,...
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What happens if we refuse to pay the said fine? What can they do about it? Lock somebody up, if so who? Strikes me there is absolutely nothing they can do about so why do we always roll over be so...
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Isn't it time politicians stopped listening to these weirdos and kept the present coal fired power stations in operation? It's the height idiocy to turn them off just to please our EU masters and the...
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I was always taught to never start a sentence with 'and' or 'but'. Does anyone else recall being taught this because I see it everywhere these days in books, newspapers and magazines?
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If someone drinks for example 4 to 5 bottles of wine in total over a weekend, that is Friday to Sunday but then drinks nothing at all Monday to Thursday, does that allow the body to recover from the...
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Does anyone else remember that miserable feeling when Sing Something Simple came onto the radio at 7pm on a Sunday evening after the top 20 chart show? I always associated it with the fact that it was...
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My daughter's Blackberry phone works fine when the charger is plugged in but as soon as it's disconnected, it goes dead. I have checked the battery which is fully charged with a multimeter and it is...
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I always thought you only suffered depression if you are constantly worried about things in your life. Why do people suffer from depression who have nothing to worry about? Some are healthy, no money...
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If man and woman have evolved to mate and procreate, does this mean that gays, being attracted to the same sex must have a faulty genetic make up? Before anyone starts, this isn't a dig at...
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Does anyone remember? She had black hair and I know she ran a pub in Bridlington. Does anyone remember the character or actress's name?
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Once I have eaten a meal there is no way I can go for a drink afterwards, it makes me so tired, all I want to do is go home and got to bed. I always have to have drinks first, then a meal to finish...
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Those of you with partners or husbands/wives, do you do everything together or do you each have your own interests which sometimes keeps you apart? My wife and I do everything together and we never...
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Especially when playing dead on an autopsy table with all the camera close ups involved, they don't move at all, not even their eyes, how do they do it?
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There is no snow where I live but yet when I went to do my weekly shop there were idiots filling their trollies with basic essentials. Nothing left for me, I was just doing my normal Thursday night...
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When these characters announce they are leaving for a while to 'get away' from something or other, nobody asks the obvious questions normal people would ask like 'where are you going to live?' or...
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Again the writers have gone over the top, this time with her reaction to the news she was pregnant. In real life all she would have done would be to announce that she was having David's baby and...
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Watching the BBC 6-o'clock news last night you could have been mistaken for thinking that the government was planning to make huge cuts in all welfare payments and everyone will starve and die of the...
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If a couple live in private rented accommodation and find that on retirement they can no longer afford to pay the rent and can no longer carry on working, is the local authority obliged to rehouse...
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Apparently two of the celebrities in the house have been reprimanded for offensive comments. Surely this defeats the object of the show when it's supposed to be fly-on-the-wall, warts and all. They...

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