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how did you meet your better half???
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I am rather confused about The AnswerBank etiquette. I had a thread removed because I typed it in CAPITAL letters. I was not aware that this could be interpreteted as being shouting. I was not, I was...
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Why can't people just believe or not as they see fit and stop trying to convince others of the 'rightness' of their personal opinion? One either has faith or doesn't, if it's not truly felt then it...
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A story for you chaps.... Say someone came into your work to do a job I.E Carpeting, roofing, plummer E.C.T.... What would you call this type of worker?
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All are en-suite and twins. No doubles. Who would you share yours with? or who wouldn't you share with?...
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Whilst out the other day, i was stopped at temporary lights for approx 5 mins or so, i happened to notice my temp.gauge was reading 100, as the lights changed i took off and the temp. went down. I...
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Subject: RACISM Everyone seems to be in such a hurry to scream 'racism' these days. I saw a customer ask, "In what aisle could I find the Irish sausage?" The clerk asks, "Are you...
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First of all, apologies if this is not quite in the right category. I've been "lurking" on this site for quite some time now and find the argument/discussion between theist and atheist...
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'Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have been with a loose girl'. The priest asks, 'Is that you, little Joey Pagano ?' 'Yes, Father, it is.' 'And who was the girl you were with?' 'I can't tell you,...
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A man was walking past a mental hospital one day when he hears an erie voice calling out "Twelve. Twelve. Twelve". As he walked along the outside wall he spots a small hole and just as he...
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A very old man lay dying in his bed. In death's doorway, he suddenly smelled the aroma of his favorite chocolate chip cookie wafting up the stairs. He gathered his remaining strength and lifted...
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Do some words hurt or offend you? I do have a problem with someone saying......"your tits" or your "fanny" What words bother you?...
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I have a mini to sell, worth about £6,000, and I want to buy a car for £4,000 that I will get more mileage to the gallon. Also, as I sell my car, I will need a car to use straight away for...
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This weekend while shopping in a local toy store, I came across a long line of people waiting for a promised shipment of dolls from Mattel. As I scanned the line, I noticed a friend waiting with all...
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Does anyone else cringe when addressed as "GUYS"?I overheard a waitress in a restaurant who addressed two elderly ladies as such,how inappropriate!Teachers in a school regularly do it too,in...
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Is there basis for believing that a wicked "spirit" creature exists? Or is this belief unfounded?
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it's early, and can't get back to sleep, so insomnia rules, anyone else mad enough to be up and about this early, or late?...
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Doesn't he read the the news that people are still being blown up and there is still a big problem in Iraq.
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What has happened to ebay? It used to be a nice place to sell unwanted stuff. Now I'm losing faith in it. Recently I've had two idiots who have bid huge amounts on my items and not had any intention...

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