Today marks the start of Dying Matters Awareness Week (18-24 May 2015), which is all about raising awareness of the importance of talking about and planning for end of life. Just interested to know if any of you have thought seriously about this and have made any plans. I have a will (a bit outdated now) and feel I should do more, but it's not something I think about too much.
I am sure your daughter will maggiebee, I suppose by arranging my own funeral now I will feel more at ease when the time comes, regardless of what my children believe.
Ive asked for no ceremony, cheapest cremation (my last smoke ;) & ashes in Thames. I object to occupying land with corpses. I am a donor for any body parts as required, my eyesight should be good for someone.
For us funeral wishes aren't a priority. Once we're dead, we're dead, so it doesn't really matter what sort of funerals are arranged for us. We were thinking more that if our affairs weren't in order and if everything that might be needed wasn't accessible, we would leave problems for others - and we don’t want to do that.
Well yes Naomi 24 I suppose that would be part of getting things organised, making sure everything is in the one place, will keep that in mind as well :)
Agree Naomi, friend's father died last year and he kept a lot of information on his computer. Unfortunately nobody knew his password and this caused lots of problems - eventually sorted out.