This is another thread of AHW - but I am not complaining, I can just repeat my previous points !
I am in two minds about who wrote the script ....
Nessa Stein was a bit dim witted to go into Gaza looking for her embezzled 1 mil armed with only .... another woman whom she liked very much.....
Shlomo Zahariya has put in fibre optic cables into the West Bank and I thought it was obvious that they would be used for wire-tapping, and clearly so did he
ben Reuben was foolish to go public over an obvious non-starter such as rights for israeli arabs (- a group I bet you never knew existed, arent all the arabs in Gaza - nope ) - and nessa should have rung him up and said why did you go public and not to us ?
and HE should have told his wife where he was going .....
and I did a lot of knitting during this -
oh and the people who liberated Nessa were two Israeli special forces
who were allowed to go in, because her captors did want the baby and then didnt want the baby...
so no wonder you didnt understand.....