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Cardinal Sin

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douglas9401 | 11:06 Mon 04th Mar 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
5 Answers
How the mighty are fallen

No more upright man of the people speaking for Roman Catholics on matters pastoral and secular.
Now just another hypocrite from the do as I say group of guardians of moral fibre.
Will he be allowed to walk away from the consequences of assault that he's grudgingly admitted to or will his public humiliatioin be enough punishment?


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I didn't think he'd been accused of assault, just 'unwanted' and 'inappropriate' behaviour.

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I'm sure you're right.
Not only did he deny them initially, he claims to have done so on the basis they were vague and anonymous, yet on R4 yesterday morning, the solicitor for the other parties stated categorically that the specific nature and identities were known to him at the point he issued that denial.
It's so embarrassing when you're trying to quickly extract your arm from the cookie jar but you can't because your hand is full of cookies . . . don't ask me how I know that. :o/

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Cardinal Sin

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