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Managing PMT

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Marijn | 14:38 Mon 19th Sep 2011 | Health & Fitness
13 Answers
How do you manage PMT? I get a bit of sadness (for no reason), before the irritability bit. I was wondering if anyone had any good, tried and trusted ideas to combat the temporary sadness bit. Thank you.


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Chocolate...the high coco solids type....and a bit of peace and quiet ...just accepting it is probably your body saying ease back for a bit... be gentle with yourself
Over the counter Feminax. Even if you don't have any pain.
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I do live with boys, Ummmm. They do cheer me up. But just feel I can't connect with anyone at this stage of PMT. It's probably just a couple of days sadness, befor the rattiness comes. Rowanwitch I'll pop out to buy some chocolate and read some of my book.
Mine all avoid I get peace and quiet :-)
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Evianbaby, I just found some in the bathroom cabinet, but realised I can't have them cos they have Aspirin in them (which I can't have)
I used to feel as if I could hurt some-one, but doc gave me Vitamin B6 and this cured this awful feeling. Doesn't work for every one but sure helped me. Worth a try.
The high cocoa solids chocolate is best if you have a couple of squares a day for a couple of days before the symptoms start... and 4 squares once they do (if they do) someone suggested it was due to the magnesium in it
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Thanks. I'll try some Marmite cos that has vit B6 in it.
I'm just off to the shops now, but will come back later to see if any more kind people have answered.
Evening Primrose oil capsules worked a treat for me, my daughter swears by them too.
Do you drink coffee? If so change to decaffinated. I had pms symptoms and did the change - since then - No symptoms.
But then I was still living with parents at the time and got quite stressed. After moving out I found pms disappeared, so could be a mixture between the 2.
Uhh .. I just shout at her : )
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Thanks everyone for your answers. I don't drink coffee anymore because I did notice that it made PMT (the rattiness bit) a lot worse.

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