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'Five a Day'

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Coldicote | 11:36 Tue 11th Jan 2011 | Food & Drink
27 Answers
How practicable is 'Five a Day'? Presumably this means fresh fruit and veg. or is frozen and tinned just as good? Bearing in mind that many people spend a lot of time at sea, where do they get their 'five a day' from?

As a retired person not bound by routine, breakfast (usually cereal) and one other meal in the evening (including perhaps a couple of veg.) is usually plenty; and in between times perhaps a coffee and a roll or cake of some sort. I try to remember to have an apple or banana is the course of the day, but a bar of choc is much more enjoyable. What do you think about this 'five a day' advice and how strict are you in following it?


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would you like that supersized fluffy ??
no just the normal size would be fine thanks (are you going to get it for me murry?)
Don't hurry me know what they say.....?
The "5 a day" guideline is for all reasons mentioned above. Filling up on veg and fruit may help to filling you up so that you eat less poop. Some days I eat loads more than 5 a day.
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What a lot of answers - 17 in 13 minutes! Thank you so much for all your responses. It seems that variety is probably more important than keeping a daily tally. The links given by Ethandron and Pastafreak are well worth exploring,
nope what do they say :-)

now i'm fantasising about a giant cherry pie...
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I began to feel guilty about chocolate, so did a bit of internet searching! The title 'Chocolate is Good For You' produced so many references it isn't practicable to list all the links here, but anyone interested might like to see for themselves under that heading.

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'Five a Day'

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