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anti inflammatory tablets

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pericat | 10:49 Fri 25th Sep 2009 | Health & Fitness
36 Answers
Would taking these long term have any negative effects ?


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Some 10%-50% of patients are unable to tolerate NSAID treatment because of side effects, including abdominal pain, diarrhea, and upset stomach. Approximately 15% of patients on long-term NSAID treatment develop ulceration of the stomach and duodenum
Major long term side affects are damage to the oesophagus (Gullet), stomach, and intestine and some 10-45% of patients cannot tolerate NSAIDS……”.horses for courses” as shaneystar mentioned.
Long term scientific studies have shown that 15% of patients will develop ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, some even being symptomless.

You have to decide whether or not the pain killing properties of NSAIDS is worth the “pay off” of the above complications

Check the Internet for my data as I have rounded the figures off.
Question Author
Thanks sqad - how long is long term ?
peri....LOL LOL...good question......studies in the US show damage as early as 6months, but this is invariably symptom free. Long term?....3-5yrs.

Remember this will happen to only 15%..........85% will get away with it.........and I am sure, that you will be in the 85%
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thanks sqad appreciate the reassurance - I do go to doctor but sometimes it's hard to remember everything I have to ask. Still doing ok thank god and no stomach problems noticably. As you know I live such an exciting life I have to be able to keep up with it LOL
I don't understand either peri . I played hockey at county level for Kent at school and for a few years after I left school .Does he require my CV ?
What's his problem ? Probably his ego .Or are us girls not allowed to chat about our ailments on here and have a joke unless we ask his permission .He doesn't like me because I criticised his bedside manner and it's any excuse to have a pop at me .If he can't take criticism hard cheese . The medical world on AB doesn't revolve around him and I'm entitled to my views ... and I'm in his 15% :)
Don't worry sqad, I am off never to darken your surgery again . I wouldn't ask for your opinion if I was on me deathbed . Though it would probably be,.... die, you old bat .
Take care peri xx
"Shaneystar.....a county hockey player.........right."

shaneystar....well you made a meal out of that, I was just interested in your hockey career as I played hockey.

Hi there loftylottie ages since I saw you.
Yes I have lost the right hand side too.
I was told they can effect the stomach when I was on them and was given another tablet to take at the same time to counteract this.
Yes, but ,you come across as not believing what I said This is what I mean about your bedside manner .I know it's difficult to put across what you want to say in text .* Right * typed like that to me means ....yeah right ....load of old squit .
Let's just agree to disagree .You carry on diagnosing and I'll go and polish my tiara and practice my Indian dribble :)
Hi Cab,

How are you?

It's only on page one of this question that I have lost the right hand side, it comes back on page 2!! Have had fun guessing the ends of sentences etc on page 1.

Just saw that Shaneystar is accusing my lack of glasses for the short sentences. Just wait Mrs.........................................
Lol...Lofty ..I'll treat you to a latte :))
With sprinkles !
Sqad, a question just out of curiosity, if you dont mind?

When you give a very detailed answer such as the one you've given pericat, does all that information simply come from all your years of medical experience?
I find it amazing that one can have so much info buzzing around in their heads just waiting to be put down when somebody asks.

Hope you don't mind me asking..
yinyang.....LOL it doesn't.

I have a basic knowledge about the subject, but it has to be "refreshed" from time to time because of changes in trends and treatment. I try to keep up as much as I can, but for various statistics I have to rely on reference books and of course the websites of various professional bodies...i.e the Lancet, BMJ and the New England Journal of Medicine.

I do not mind at all for your enquiry.
Right, sqad - so you dont just 'copy and paste' it all : ) LOL
yinyang....I very rarely copy and paste, but read it first and then put it into language that most people would understand.......including myself.

If there is a topic e.g Geographical tongue, as happened yesterday, I usually ask them to Google it themselves.

It always amazes me that certain questions can easily be answered by Googling.
Thanx for the leggings, peri. Perhaps you need them back for the aches and pains, though. I confessed I only wanted them for the thrill, and I have plenty of long johns.

For as daffy warns the tablets can cause a lot of gastrointestinal damage if they are indeed NSAIDs, even to the massive haemorrhaging and cardiac mayhem that lottie mentions. And having had both I can honestly say that I found the naemorrhaging more horrendous than the heart attack. I am banned from taking any of them now, even aspirin, and although sqad's statistics are not that horrific, would be inclined to say quit while youre ahead. Steroids arent wonderful either. In my experience they either dont work at all or they exacerbate my diabetes.

And shaney, you do realize that Pferdesalbe means 'horse ointment', dont you?

Er, peri... I have another confession I have to unburden myself of before either the textbookful of pathologies or the pharmacopoeiaful of meds finally get to me. When I learnt that my grandma's fingers were always getting stuck, and I had quite a job unsticking them even by massaage, I wickedly made use of this knowledge to fake this phenomenon in handwriting classes (yes, we had them! - did you?) and even let the Art Master massage the locked (by me) finger. In alkl innocence of course, perhaps even on his part!

Anyway my grandma's finger never stayed like that, and she lived to 94. That long enough for you?

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