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Is it just me?

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pitstopbunny | 15:24 Mon 16th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
76 Answers
I am 38 years old female and I am am becoming so totally disillusioned with the UK, where I live (Southampton). All I seem to read about are murders etc, immigrants etc - it seems as if the country has gone mad. You now have to be so PC, for fear of reprisal, that no-one can say what they truly think anymore. It has got to a stage, that if I had the funds, I would seriously consider leaving the UK, which is a shame because deep down I think it is still a great country, but I can only see it declining rapidly. I don't mean to open a can of worms, maybe it is just me getting more aware as I get older, but I would love to hear others feelings about this.


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Of course I get angered by some of the stories I see in the news - who wouldn't? - but also know that they aren't the whole picture. Research has shown that people read about the tiny number of child murders (I'm not diminishing the horribleness of those acts) and walk away with the impression that it's rife when of course it isn't. And that goes for a lot of the negative things that get reported.

Yes I hate PCness when it gets ludicrously out of hand, such as councils renaming xmas lights as 'winter lights' for fear of "offending" local muslims and hindus - even when the muslims and hindus then protest that they aren't in the least offended. Clearly, that sort of thing is councils being downright stupid. But it's not as though it's happening everywhere, despite the impression we may get from the media or our own imaginations. And when it does happen, rather than grumbling or emigrating, we should make a big noise about it, protest, bombard the council with letters and phone calls, make our thoughts known. It's very distorting to say "no-one can truly say what they think anymore" as though we're living in communist China.

Your choice of words is very telling, pitstop - "All I seem to read about are murders etc, immigrants etc". "It seems as if the country has gone mad". Emphasis on the SEEM. By cherrypicking each murder story and every single crime committed by immigrants, and every example of crazy PCness, yes the media do make it SEEM as if the UK has "gone mad". Don't get me wrong - the country has faults, stresses, strains, weaknesses, it's far from perfect. But we are not about to tumble into the abyss.
Is my little Wardy back then?? I do hope so as Im still waiting for lunch!
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Awwww,I missed you! Are you ok??
Backrifter and Noxy have got it spot on. I would add that the biggest threat to our country is not terrorism, it's not immigration, dangerous dogs, paedophiles, low sentencing, hoodies, bird flu, or political correctness.

It's the apathy of people who are prepared to moan but actually do nothing.
NO i totally agree with you i have put questions regarding this situation on answrbank before however they get banned.

This countyr isnt so great anymore unless your a veil wearing immigrant my previous question/answers are under my names keirah and babydust
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Supernick, I originally posted the question, as it is something that has 'recently' struck me. I am happy to write letters etc etc, any ideas of where to start? I have never been that into politics, but maybe I should now get more involved at least on a local level
Hi pitstop, nice to see your still around, as far as your post is concerened, I haven't read the other answers, but I agree fully with what you say, I'd go tomorrw, but I have cicumstances that keep me here,
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Hi Lonnie, I'm still about, good to hear from you!
Hi Pitstop Bunny, I live not far from you on the forest - in fact I can wave to Southampton! Unfortunately I do feel the media has a lot to do with this impression of UK being a horrible place - I took issue with the Echo recently about their negative reporting. I have spoken to the Echo several times recently , to do with my job, about things that are going on here, good things, they refused to report on them. When I asked them to come to a meeting where the overall result was positive they reported it in such a way that only the negative things were reported.

Having said that I think all city centres are pretty horrible at night and Southampton is really dire. The West Quay has destroyed the High Street and made it look derelict.

Why don't you move to my side of the water it's still not perfect but it's much nicer!!
Oh I find not reading papers and never watching the news makes for a far more pleasant life, try it and see.
Lonnie if you come back read what Supernick, Hellion and I said as I'd be interested to see what you think.

And pitstop can I counter what hellion said about not reading papers or watching news. I understand the sentiment and while I question these sources of info I don't necessarily think cutting ourselves off from them is the answer. It won't be depressing to read them so long as we approach them in the right way and know that they are giving a distorted picture. There is still useful/interesting content and it'd be a shame to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

babydust your comments won't be worth reading unless you do better than the nonsense you posted above.
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I haven't read a newspaper in about 3 years, I gave up on them a long time ago, I do however watch the news on TV.
cheers to Backdrifter, Hellion and Supernick for having a clue and not rising to the media wind-up tactics.

Babydust... what are you on?
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More virtual insanity ......

1. Kill your baby by arson, get a community service order by pleading post natal depression - what woman does not suffer from it - does this give you the right to murder?

2. Put rubbish into the wrong recycle bag, not intentionally (it has your name & addy on it), get taken to court - get a criminal record - it potentially ruins your life and certainly your career.

3. A virtual 'bonfire' for Guy Fawkes night - how long have we celebrated the 5th of Noember????? What's next - virtual Xmas trees?

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