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New Sofa Question

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ilovemarkb | 16:09 Wed 21st Jun 2023 | Law
9 Answers
We had a leatger recliner sofa delivered 9th March this year. Rang customer services May 3rd as it was making clunking noises. Engineer came on May 3rd and confirmed there was a manufacturing fault with the rivets when it was built. New parts have been ordered. Do I have to accept a repair or an I demand a brand new sofa?


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Consumer Rights Act 2015:
'You can state your preference, but the retailer can normally choose whichever would be cheapest or easier for it to do.

If the attempt at a repair or replacement is unsuccessful, you can then claim a refund or a price reduction if you wish to keep the product.

Beyond the first 30 days of ownership you're entitled to a full or partial refund instead of a repair or replacement'
As the sofa has a manufacturing fault the retailer must either repair or replace - you don't get to choose. They can only attempt one repair, if that is not satisfactory they must replace or refund.
Under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 (for goods ordered online) and the Consumer Rights Act 2015 (for goods purchased in a shop), you're entitled to a full refund in respect of faulty goods for a period of 30 days. Thereafter you're only entitled to a repair or replacement, with the retailer being entitled to determine which of those options to provide to you.
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Thanks guys you are all Awesome!
Who is Mark B? Can't be Marc Bolan. Hip hop record producer?
Your partner?
Question Author
I am in absolute shock but over the moon they are going to replace it! Just wow !
Well done :)
so they should.....were you sitting down when the news came through?

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