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Internet Cookies

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gl556tr | 16:33 Wed 13th Jul 2022 | Technology
5 Answers
We gave our Mum a tablet so that we could see her whilst chatting. She is happy with eMails, too.
But, when browsing, she is maddened and frustrated by incessant Cookie windows insisting that she accept everything under the sun. Is there some sort of template 'Accept' that we could put on her tablet?
Otherwise, the tablet will soon fly through her window . . .


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I've never used a tablet & have no idea if the principle is the same, but I've got this on all my browsers & if a cookie warning *does* pop up, it disappears sharpish -
" I don't care about cookies " is an extension available for most browsers. It will be available under add-ons or extensions in your browser settings.
thanks for that, L-i-K, I'll give it a try
I also recommend 'I don't care about cookies'
Still looking for the, "you know what you can do with your spy cookies", extension.

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