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m-shell | 15:33 Sun 11th Jan 2004 | Technology
2 Answers
i need to adjust my settings to accept cookies, but i try to follow the instructions for a Internet Explorer 5.0 (i think that's what mine is anyway) and it tells me to go to internet options, then security, then to the section about cookies and set enable. The thing is, i can't find any section to do with cookies anywhere in my internet options. Would it be called something different or can i just not do it? I really need to be able to enable them. thanks. x


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Have you tried: on IE tools > internet options... > privacy > advanced > whats greyed out is your current cookie acceptance level (for me it is accept both 1st and 3rd party cookies) but if it is not what you want, you can tick the "override automatic cookie handling" and set your own acceptance level (including "always allow session cookies"). OK your way out.
To find out which version of IE you are running, from IE go to help...about Internet Explorer.

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