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Storage On Moto G5S

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countrykid | 23:10 Fri 01st Jan 2021 | Technology
4 Answers
Once again I'm trying to free up storage on my Moto G5S.
I'm puzzled what is being taken up within 'Photos & Video (5.8Gb) when I click on Setting>Storage>Photos/Video.
The bulk of the 5.8Gb is under the heading of 'images' (4.87Gb) within Photos/Video.

Clicking on Images shows me one solitary screenshot of just a few kb. All photos and videos have been deleted from the device but are saved in Google Photos which is accessed via phone, laptop etc, so should not impact on phone storage.

I've no idea what this 4.8Gb relates to in images, how to access it to view it and thus decide if I then want to delete it.

Any help appreciated.


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use the Files app to navigate to DCIM/Camera
You should then see all photos/videos that are still physically stored on the phone.
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Thanks The Chair. I've done as suggested.
Aside from finding the screenshot I mentioned, Zi found no other images via DCIM>Camera. I clicked on every other heading such as Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp but no images - all showed as empty. I clicked on Downloads and that showed various PDFs but I'm presuming they are in Google Drive????????
In the DCIM folder, is there a folder called 100ANDRO ??
That's where my photos are stored.
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Sincere apologies to TheChair and Gizmonster for the delay in providing an update.

Via the Files app I did eventually find a route to the elusive images and videos that were using up lots of memory unnecessarily.

The route was as follows: Files>Moto G5S (my phone)>WhatsApp>media>WhatsApp images>private/sent and WhatsApp video>private/sent.

I hadn't realised that when deleting a video or image in a WhatsApp chat there is a ring tick box saying 'delete from device'. If left unticked the image or video will disappear from the relevant chat but will remain stored on my phone - using up valuable memory!
I discovered I'd over 3,000 images 'saved' and countless memory hungry videos too. Once I'd gone through the relevant private and sent folders and deleted everything I had freed up nearly 4Gb of memory.

Thanks so much for pointing me in the right direction.

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